Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Getting Ready For "The Quest"

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

This week, I'm getting ready. Well, I'm getting ready for so many things.
1. School
2. Next week of Rising Star
3. Figuring out what to review next
4. The premiere of ABC's The Quest

What? By the title of this blog post, did you think I was gonna go on a quest of... doing whatever? Well, not exactly.
Ever since ABC announced over and over on its channel that The Quest was going to premiere this Thursday (7/31/14), I found myself being curious about it. I mean, it was cleverly advertised, promising reality meeting medieval fantasy, all the medieval fantasy cliches, and a race to become the hero of the medieval premise. And seeing that I'm a sucker for fantasy in books and film, this has to be the show for me.
However, I found myself also wondering: will this show be the next Whodunnit of ABC? I mean, Whodunnit, in my opinion, was something that I followed, because of the premise- especially the premise, because there was this urgency to find the killer, to move the plot device, to get to a resolution- and it worked (at the season finale). However, I'm hoping that The Quest doesn't fall into the same category as Whodunnit, because here's a question: When was the last time the show Whodunnit was ever mentioned by word of mouth or by social media? It's like a show that just comes and goes, a show that fades, it may seem to be. I heard that there was supposed to be another season for this show, but that fact wasn't official, because of production issues.
Now, what I'm hoping for on The Quest, is that the urgency to complete a goal is there; the plot device is worthwhile (at least); and that the medieval action and visuals are fantastic enough to keep audiences begging for more. And seeing that the premiere is this week, I will be sure to keep a look-out for it and to keep you posted on what I thought of the show.

Whatsoever Critic
Source: The Quest (ABC)

Courtesy: ABC

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