Friday, April 24, 2015

"A.D. The Bible Continues" Ep. 3 Review (4/19/15)

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Let's jump right into episode 3 of A.D. The Bible Continues.

Pilate is already sick and tired of the rebels being a threat, but he still keeps the city heavily guarded. This, of course, brings the attention of the Herod family, as they pay a visit to Pilate, despite having to pass harsh security clearance. Herod himself begins to question Caiaphas about his own safety, because apparently Herod was assured by Caiaphas that the Jesus incident was done and over with. With that being said, Herod questions Caiaphas' loyalty to him.
-As if Caiaphas hasn't already gotten bashed by Pilate for going over him that one time...

Later on, during an indoor gathering, Herod requests to Pilate that there would be less guards in "his city." But Pilate refuses, but only increases the number of guards, along with saying that he'll attend the Pentecost festivities.

Meanwhile, Simon Peter's daughter comes to visit. She wonders why her father won't come home. Peter tells her that he has a mission- to be Jesus' successor and to spread the word of Christ. All they have to do is wait for the Holy Spirit to embrace them.

Now, while rebels are planning to assassinate Pilate, Pilate's wife meets the head guard in secret and has him promise to protect her husband.

Meanwhile, Caiaphas hears word that Pilate is planning to attend the Pentecost celebration. This shocks him, because of the growing threat of the rebels in the city.

Back at the disciples,' Simon Peter continues to try to get his daughter to understand the importance of being Jesus' ministry. This leads to Peter finally realizing that they need to pray the Lord's Prayer over and over to conjure the Holy Spirit.

Thus, the Holy Spirit finally comes to the disciples with it's glorious lighting.

On the day of the Pentecost celebration, Caiaphas publicly welcomes Pilate, along with thunderous praise. Suddenly, one of the rebels makes a move to assassinate Pilate, but is chased away by the guards. But the rebel did kill one of the pursuing guards.
-It's like the guy said: Well, if I can't kill the big guy in rule, I might as well kill one of his guards. Ooooh... big deal!

Later on, the disciples finally come out of hiding.

One of the first things they do is go up to a homeless man and heal him by having him walk again, courtesy of their Lord and Savior Jesus.

This creates a spectacle, causing Simon Peter and John to be beaten and taken away by the guards.

While that's going on, three rebels are executed under Pilate on the steps of the Temple. This comes to the shock of Caiaphas.
-This would be the second time in this series that Caiaphas has witnessed executions of people. First it were the guards, and now three rebels... Geez! Cut this guy a break! He doesn't need to see anymore bloodshed made by Pilate.

The episode ends with Caiaphas coming face-to-face with Simon Peter and John in their prison cell.

We're already three episodes in, and the story is becoming more and more intense as the series progresses. It's like Five Nights at Freddy's: it becoming more and more intense every night. In fact, I'm not ashamed to put FNaF logic into this review of a Christian TV series, but that's just how it feels for me.
Anyway, I'm still looking forward to the next episode. According to the teaser trailer for next time, things get more aggressive for everyone.

Whatsoever Critic
Source: A.D. The Bible Continues

Courtesy: NBC/Lightworkers Media

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Editorial: Is Veggietales Listening to Us Now?

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Remember my video on the survey that the Veggietales email newsletter that was recently released? 

Is Veggietales Listening to Us Now? video

In the video, I said I was going to do an editorial on the subject matter: Is Veggietales listening to us now?

Now the show that's under fire here is the Netflix series Veggietales In The House. Ever since the show came out this past November (2014), there has been so much debate about the show's choices and its style among the Veggietales fan community.
-And trust me, I'm part of that fan community.

And the series in question was featured in the survey that came out via email on Apr. 10, 2015. Now I don't think I'm giving anything away here when I say that the gist of the survey is that Big Idea is asking: Are the new character designs okay? Why or why not?
Now my question is: Why did it take Big Idea this long to make that inquiry to us?
-I mean, really? They had to wait at least three or four months to ask us whether the new designs suck or not? They had to wait until they released a line of episodes and a DVD to ask us this?

However, there's always a method to one's madness.
Maybe it took this long for Big Idea to ask us what we thought, because some of us are  still trying to adjust to the change... ME.
Also, there's only a handful of episodes of Veggietales In The House on Netflix, and still in its first season. And only one DVD has featured this change so far in the originalVeggietales series. 

Now let's talk about the survey itself. If you're subscribed to Veggietales' email newsletters, you may have gotten the survey already. The idea of a survey to beg the issue that was discussed earlier was very ballsy of Big Idea. However, a survey that's linked on an email isn't enough to speak to the entire fanbase for the following reasons:
1. Not everyone in the fanbase is subscribed to the newsletter.
2. A survey in an email was the only medium used to make the inquiry, instead of doing that AND also reaching out on social media.
3. It's been at least two weeks since the survey came out. So what now? There's no set deadline to the survey. So are they expecting survey-takers to trickle in and take it?

So, is Veggietales listening to us now? Well, yes and no.
The reason why I say yes is because Big Idea was brave enough to send us a survey, because of the fan community reacting to the changes, as proven in one Youtube video:

Why Veggietales In The House Doesn't Work
Original Video:

Even I mentioned the changes over and over in my previous editorials on Veggietales In The House:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

However, I also disagree, because I don't feel that anything's been done about it. The only semi-response to our questioning of the changes made in the series was the new intro to Veggietales, as featured in the recent DVD release "Noah's Ark":

Original Video Uploaded by Veggietales Official Youtube channel:

So what do you guys think? Do you think they're listening to us? Let me know in the comments section below. 
But either way, I'm still going to go back to Veggietales, even though I may or may not agree with some of the choices its made. And besides, LarryBoy and I go a long way back; so there's no way I hate him now, even though his costume design was tinkered and altered.

Whatsoever Critic
Veggietales In The House
Veggietales email newsletter

Courtesy: Big Idea Entertainment/DreamWorks

Thursday, April 16, 2015

"A.D. The Bible Continues" Ep. 2 Review (4/12/15)

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Sorry for the huge delay on this review. I had a heavy workload in school. So with that said, let's jump right in.

Where we last left off...

The tomb is opened by a divine force. Caiaphas tries to hide this discovery from Pilate, but Pilate eventually finds out a few minutes later...
-That didn't take long.
This, of course, pisses off Pilate, and he confronts Caiaphas in a bathing(?) area and tells him (basically) to not go behind his back again.
And later on, one of the assistants of Caiaphas suggests showing another man's corpse to the public and claim that it's Jesus, but Caiaphas warns against it, because he sticks to his ways of being truthful...
-...which is ironic, because he already lied to Pilate about the tomb once and got bashed for it.

Meanwhile, Mary Magdeline...

-Yeah, I already figured out who she is (what she looks like). I feel pretty bad not knowing what she looked like in the premiere episode.
...sees the tomb open, and then she meets Jesus and realizes that he has risen from the dead. She tries to tell this to the disciples, but when some of them go to the tomb themselves, they suspect foul play.

It's not until later when the disciples see Jesus for themselves appear in their room.

-Now in the two scenes with the disciples and Thomas, they were pretty emotional for me, because I remember Simon Peter saying before Jesus appeared (somewhere along the lines of): "I wish I could tell him I'm sorry."

While that's going on, the rebellion is going stronger. There's a point where Pilate has the city sealed, where go one can either enter or leave. The disciples are helped by some of the rebels to leave the city, because the disciples were told by Jesus to meet him at Galilee.
-Now, for what it's worth: I kind of liked the chase scene. It was compelling, and it had you on the edge of your seat.

Later on...
-I think I might be telling this out of order, but...
There's a scene where Pilate invites Caiaphas over to his establishment... only to have him witness the bloody execution of the guards that were supposed to have guarded Jesus' tomb.
-Talk about throwing your crew under the bus.
So why is Pilate hell-bent on destruction. Well... listen to this: he doesn't want anything to disrupt his beach vacation with his wife.
-Talk about a whiny character! It's like: I'm going to the beach with my woman. So I want everything to be perfect! If no one will please this wish, I will be mad. That is all.

In Galilee...
Simon Peter has to answer Jesus' question three times:
Jesus: "Do you love me?"
-This is because if you remember from the previous episode (or if you read the Bible), Simon Peter denied Jesus three times. So here, it's fitting that he answer the question three times.

Later on, Jesus makes Peter his successor, and then he tells the disciples to spread the word about him. After, Jesus disappears back to heaven.
-And yes, the CG effects are top-notch. It's like Disney meets The Ten Commandments.

Now in this episode, we get a semi-full appearance of Jesus (but at least he got more screen time here than in the premiere episode). Also, we start to see some of the characters for who they are, whether you're new to the Biblical accounts or if you came already knowing the story.
For me, I can't wait to see what else is in store for this series, because it's that good. And plus, the first two episodes have already made it clear that this isn't over, because from what was teased at the end credits, Peter now has healing abilities like Jesus.
-I didn't mean to throw in that spoiler, but it was teased at the end, I promise you.

Whatsoever Critic
Source: A.D. The Bible Continues

Courtesy: NBC/Lightworkers Media

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Is Veggietales Listening to Us Now?

Veggietales newsletter recently released its survey to its subscribers. What does it mean?

Source: Veggietales

Courtesy: Big Idea Entertainment

My editorials on Veggietales In The House

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Mystery Review #3...

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Say, remember my four clues for my mystery review that I'm going to have here? You know...
1. A person with an inanimate object
2. Expecting the unexpected, but getting something else...
3. S***'s going down!
4. Guy in yellow

Well, today those things will be present in this review. You'll see, because they'll be italicized and bold in the text. However, I will confess about one of the hints...

Guy in yellow... AND PURPLE!

Let's dive into the LarryBoy vs. the Milk Money Bandit scene from LarryBoy and the Rumor Weed!

DISCLAIMER: I already a review of this movie, so if you haven't read it yet, feel free to check that out before or after reading his blog post.

Beginning of the Scene:
Here we have two peas walking home from a movie theater.

Pea #1: "That was a lousy movie!"
-By the way, this scene had to be recycled from the opening scene from LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space, because both opening scenes are identical, except that this time around, the film at the theater sucked big time for the peas. Yeah, that would be my reaction too when I finished seeing a bad movie at a theater. Taken 3, Tammy... they were shit.

Anyway, all is okay, sort of... as the peas talk about the movie they just saw. But a shadow stalks them at every corner (almost).

-I mean, this dude isn't even trying to look like he's stalking these two kids.

Sure, he may be lurking in the shadows, but come on. I betcha one of the kids may have still seen him from their peripheral vision at some point! Then again, the kids aren't paying attention to their surroundings.
The pair then stops and one of them makes a reference to the Fib from Outer Space video:

Pea #2: "Hey, do you remember what we saw the last time we were here?"
-(mimicking that Pea) Yeah, we got to make a reference to the Fib incident, because... it's been about a year or so since that shit went down.

The two kids stare at the night sky momentarily, until their stalker comes out of nowhere and asks for money.
-This is a moment of expecting the unexpected, but getting something else. You know... the kids thought they were remembering the Fib incident (thanks to the movie's idea of recycling plots from past videos), but instead of an alien falling from the sky, they get a bandit demanding for spare change of all things.
Pea #2: (by the way, this is Percy Pea. I looked it up) "We're not supposed to talk to strangers. And no, I don't have any extra money."
But the bandit doesn't buy it, but instead intimidates the kids.
Milk Money Bandit: "Oh, really? Well how about... a dollar and twenty-eight cents?"
Percy Pea: "Wha...? How did you know I had that?"
-Now for the next part of this scene, how much you want to bet that this is considered stalking of a child?

Milk Money Bandit: "I've been watching you, kid! Every Monday morning, your mom gives you a dollar and twenty-eight cents... and I want it!"
-So, not only was he stalking these kids, but he's just a lazy bastard that he chooses to steal $1.28 over a gaming console or whatever else is expensive. What a prick! Preying on people smaller than him...

So the bandit steals the money...
-...uh... he steals the money off-screen...
...and he taunts the kids from the rooftop.

Milk Money Bandit: "Ha ha! See you later, boys! I hope you like water with your lunches!"
-This guy shouldn't live. He's that bad, guys.
-But don't worry, guys. Things get interesting...

Suddenly, we see the bandit see something emerge from a billboard.
: )

-Even the shadows on LarryBoy's face look pretty awesome. Good job, Big Idea.
LarryBoy: "I believe you have something that belongs to those boys."
-S***'s going down! (Told ya!)

Milk Money Bandit: "Who are you?"
LarryBoy: "I'm LarryBoy."
-Now this part was the most anticipating. Now I know that this is like a LarryBoy alternative to Batman saying his name to a crook, but it definitely fits the atmosphere of this scene. There's so much emotion put into this scene that I wouldn't be doing this review if there was none.
-True story: I remember when I was eleven, and I used to watch this movie over and over. One of the reasons why is because I looked forward to this scene with LarryBoy and the Milk Money Bandit. It was that good.

So LarryBoy attacks the Milk Money Bandit with one plunger ear, and has the bad guy dangle from the edge of the rooftop.

-Now one pretty interesting thing about this scene was something that I've found when pausing it at one point, when LarryBoy is about to attack with his plunger ear. Yeah, this was something that I came across and didn't expect something like that/ It's like his eyes were missing pupils for a second. But, I won't go too deep into this absurdity just yet; that would be for another blog post.

-Next, there's one second in the attack bit where it looks like the Milk Money Bandit was fighting back, but gives in. The bandit can be seen kicking LarryBoy in the chest until he's being dangled from the rooftop.

Milk Money Bandit: "What are you gonna do?"
LarryBoy: "It's not nice to take people's milk money."
-You hear that, bandit? You shouldn't have been a pussy by stealing from people that are smaller than you.

Then LarryBoy turns the Milk Money Bandit upside-down, and... it me, or is that bandit getting some strain in his head. If you were to time how long it takes from the moment LarryBoy turns him upside-down to when he turns him right-side-up again, you can see that it took 22.90 seconds that bandit was upside-down that whole time. That's a huge headache, but he deserved it.

The kids are looking up at the rooftop to see what is going on.

Milk Money Bandit: "Take it easy! Don't get crazy!"
-Um, crazy is stealing from a pair of kids, asshole.
-And plus, LarryBoy doesn't need to "take it easy," because he's bringing you to justice... asshole.

Eventually, LarryBoy shakes the bad guy, until the kids' money falls out of his pockets and onto the ground.

LarryBoy turns him right-side-up afterwards.
Milk Money Bandit: "I ain't feelin' so good..."

-No shit, Sherlock.

LarryBoy then takes him behind a billboard to drop him off into a police car, startling Officer Scooter.

-By the way... A person with an inanimate object. An anthropomorphic gourd holding a flower. Ha! All of my hints revealed!
-And plus, this is a good angle to shoot this bit. The billboard. The setup. Awesome.
Officer Scooter: "It's the Milk Money Bandit. We've been looking for you for months."

-How is this bandit that hard to capture? He steals the lamest things. He stalks children. And the movie itself makes him too obvious a bad guy. How can authorities miss somebody like him for that long? You'd think the police would have wanted posters for this guy!
Officer Scooter: "Thanks, LarryBoy!"
The scene ends with the officer thanking LarryBoy, even though the superhero isn't around anymore.

And that was one of the most epic scenes of the LarryBoy universe.
I think Big Idea outdid himself in 1999. I think they did a bang-up job on the animation, the music, and the theatrics. Sure, some of the stuff may seem like a parody of superheroes like Batman, but hey! LarryBoy is much more enjoyable to watch than Batman.
-And I'm not lying when I say that LarryBoy is my all-time favorite superhero. Enough said.

Whatsoever Critic
Source: LarryBoy and the Rumor Weed

Courtesy: Big Idea Entertainment

Thursday, April 9, 2015

"Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 3" Youtube Video Review

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

1 and 2 were pretty cool to watch. But what about the third?

If you were to ask your mother about what love is, and she only spewed out drunken nonsense to you for more than five minutes, then this is what she'll say... but in video form.
-Just a side note: I'm trying to get this review done, so that I can review Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 4, because that fourth one recently came out this past March (2015).
-And if you haven't seen me react to Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 4, then the links to the React video and the original video are below:

Reaction video:

Original video:

So let's get started! This is Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 3!


The video opens with a missing persons poster of our three main characters... who are clearly NOT missing, because they partake in a picnic of... eggs and raw chicken legs.
-Why would the green bird be eating a chicken leg if he himself is a bird? Unless he's a buzzard or vulture, it isn't going to work!
-By the way, I looked up what these characters are in Wikipedia. I won't address them by what fans are dubbing them, because their names aren't confirmed by the show's creators yet.
Yellow Guy sees a butterfly and enjoys its presence, until Green Bird, like a dumbass, uses a fly-swatter to kill the butterfly.
Green Bird: "Pesky bee!"
-This guy can't tell the different between a butterfly and a bee. I mean, look at it! It's so obviously a butterfly!
This, of course, upsets Yellow Guy, and he runs away from the scene crying. 
Red Guy: "I wonder what would happen."
-(imitating Red Guy) My monotone voice won't give away the answer, so this statement is basically telling you to keep watching and find out.

Next Scene:
We see Yellow Guy crying until a large butterfly shows up and gives him words of comfort.
Butterfly: "It makes you sad, doesn't it?"

Yellow Guy: "A little baby pigeon..."
-Is it weird to say that all I'm focused on in this scene is what that "D" on his overalls means?
Butterfly: (singing) "Have you ever wondered why we're here?"
-By now, I'm used to the fact that the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared series has these inanimate objects (or creature, in this case) that sing to our main characters.
Butterfly: (singing) "...harmony."
("Harmony" spelled in the clouds like this: HARMUNEE)
-Why is "harmony" misspelled? That doesn't seem right.

Musical number continues...
So the butterfly takes Yellow Guy through the clouds, while girly My Little Pony backwash plays in the background. The colors swirl; the clouds talk; and CG effects reign supreme.

Yellow Guy: "What is love? Is it in the sky?"
Cloud: "No. It's a feeling deep inside."
Yellow Guy: "Because I'm hungry..."
Butterfly: (singing) "No, you're lonely. I can see it in your eyes."
So, where are our other main characters? Still at the picnic...

Green Bird: "Oh look! There he goes flying through the sky!"
He and Red Guy debate whether or not to catch up with Yellow Guy, but they eventually decide to stay and eat the eggs and chicken (which clearly has a fly on one chicken leg).
-Was the fly coincidence or on purpose?

The "love" world

Yellow Guy is then introduced to the other animals and people that live in this "love" world.
(Yellow Guy petting a furry animal)
Fury Animal: "He he, harder!"
-Okay, that was weird. Was that animal orgasming?

Back at the picnic...
The picnic is finished, and Green Bird and Red Guy finally decide to catch up with their friend.
Green Bird: "And we have finished the chicken picnic."
(Green Bird pauses)

-He just stares into the camera, as if to say, "Uh, got any more lines for me? Or are you all just going to make me stand here like an idiot?"

Back at the musical number...
Yellow Guy learns more about love by loving everything in site.
Yellow Guy: "I love this tree, and I love this stick..."

But the butterfly tells him about saving one's love for that "special one"...

-...who looks like Wimzie (Wimzie's House) in 20 years...
and then a tree tells Yellow Guy a story about a boy named Michael.
-Now if you think that this short story will mean anything at all in this video, then take a listen to this:
Tree: (singing) "This is the story of Michael, the ugliest boy in town, ugly and weak. They called him a freak. He lived on his own underground. He lived on his own underground..."
-Wow, that short story made absolutely no sense whatsoever. What the purpose of having a story like that, when it was going to be a waste of time in the long run?
Then, the musical number takes this weird turnby talking about marriage, and then immediately segwaying into a love cult where people pay tribute to a large head statue named Malcolm...

-Why the statue is named Malcolm is beyond me...
...and Yellow Guy is tied up and subjected to a name-change, brainwashing, and a bizarre promise that he would never be alone...
-Uh... I'm scared(?) Come on! The scares in the first two videos were more memorable than this one!

Wrap Up:
So Yellow Guy eventually wakes up on the same tree branch...
-Did he fall asleep at some point? Or was this a forced deus ex machina, as if the writers said, "Oh, well, we really suck at talking about love, so we're just gonna end the show here."

Green Bird and Red Guy finally catch up with him and appologize for being mean earlier, and they present him with an egg.
Red Guy: "I guess it must be because we love you."
-(mimicking Red Guy) Here's a "fuck you" to Barney the dinosaur and his "I love you" song.
The video ends with an ugly worm popping out of the egg, before Green Bird whacks it with a flyswatter.

Green Bird: "Pesky bee!"
-Dude, look up what a bee looks like.

End Credits:
-I guess we'll end here, because they're just burning down the Malcolm statue. Again, screw this lesson about love.

And that's Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 3. So did it work?

Well, it almost did. However, of all the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared episodes to date, this one was the weakest. It almost worked, but it didn't have as much shock-value to it as the first two episodes. I mean, you can still give this episode credit for its usage of animation, and the subject matter. (Yeah, the bird and the hairy red guy were dicks, except for Yellow Guy). It even lends itself to having some character development: Yellow Guy isn't just a goofy character, but also naive.

Now I know this may not have been the best in the series, but next time, I'm reviewing something better. Here's your first hint until next time:

A person with an inanimate object

Whatsoever Critic
Source: Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 3

Courtesy: Becky Sloan and Joseph Pelling/Blink Industries

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

"A.D. The Bible Continues" Ep. 1 Review (4/5/15)

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

This past Sunday (Easter) was the premiere of the series A.D. The Bible Continues.

Now I promised you on a reaction video of the trailer to this show that I would see this show; and I did. So how was it? Well, before I go on, warning: SPOILERS!!!


The show immediately starts with the crucifixion of Jesus. The show keeps going back and forth, showing backstories of characters like the chief priest Caiaphas, Simon Peter, Judas, another disciple, and Pilate and his wife; and then it returns to Jesus' death and burial.
-Now I'll get to the end of the episode in just a minute.
So now, I will go through each of the characters. So let's go.

-I'll admit: the show got a decent actor for this one.
Now this character is the chief priest who rallied for Jesus to be put to death, even going as far as bugging Pilate to guard the tomb to ensure that nobody stole the corpse. Now, you can't really blame this guy for expressing much hatred towards Jesus, because he doesn't understand that Jesus was the Son of God.
-Okay, so for each character, I will ask questions that bug me at the end of an episode...
1. Why is Caiaphas shown with a maiden asking him to come to bed? (I thought chief priests couldn't have wives or be sexually-active, because they're supposed to be married to God.)
2. What is up with him bugging Pilate to do everything in his governing power to extinguish the existence of Jesus? (Was having Jesus crucified not enough? And Pilate himself begs this question on the show.)

Simon Peter

So far, we only know that Simon Peter watched from a distance as Jesus died on the cross. Plus, we learn that he didn't do enough to prevent Jesus from dying.
Now, what was new to me was that Simon Peter was asked by a rebel to join the others that are rebelling against the Romans. But Peter turns them down saying, "Those who live by the sword dies by the sword," meaning that violence is not a way to handle an issue.
1. Who was that rebel that Simon Peter spoke to and turned down? (I remember him saying that they were both childhood playmates, but that's all we know.)

By now, we already know that Judas had betrayed Jesus, and is now regretting it. But the strangest part about this is that the show shows Judas hanging himself soon after we see Jesus die.
1. Why does Judas die after Jesus in this adaptation? (Normally, in adaptations, Judas kills himself before Jesus' crucifixion.)
2. Will we get more backstory from Judas?

Another disciple
We see one disciple interacting with Jesus' mother, another woman, and Simon Peter.
1. Which disciple is this?

Pilate and his wife
Most of the episode revolves around the Pilates, aside from the Herod family (who only get at least 5-10 minutes of screen time). What I found interesting was that Pilate's wife has these dreams foretelling what Jesus is capable of. But all that time, Pilate doesn't listen to the point where he asks a soldier to prove what his wife is saying is true.
1. If wanting to avoid a rebellion, why doesn't Pilate try to compromise with the rebels?
2. Why isn't Pilate supportive of his wife? (Sure, this is the time period when women didn't have much say in anything, but come on! Her dreams are supposed to mean something!)

Now as promised, this is a recap of the end of this episode:
Guards (provided by Pilate, because Caiaphas apparently bitched enough) are at Jesus' tomb at night.

Suddenly, an angel appears, and a bright light shines from the tomb, blinding the guards. Then the episode ends with Caiaphas hearing the news that the tomb is open.

So, how was the show so far. I would say: So far so good.

I would like to give the show credit for putting much thought into this. I mean, these were the same producers that brought you The Bible series. You can tell that they've done their research on this, as much as Mel Gibson did his with The Passion of the Christ
It advertised and delivered: the CG effects, the acting, etc. And interestingly enough, I'm looking forward to next week's episode. And yeah, there may have been some unanswered questions... well DUH!!! It's only the first episode.

Whatsoever Critic
Source: A.D. The Bible Continues

Courtesy: NBC/Lightworkers Media