Thursday, April 16, 2015

"A.D. The Bible Continues" Ep. 2 Review (4/12/15)

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Sorry for the huge delay on this review. I had a heavy workload in school. So with that said, let's jump right in.

Where we last left off...

The tomb is opened by a divine force. Caiaphas tries to hide this discovery from Pilate, but Pilate eventually finds out a few minutes later...
-That didn't take long.
This, of course, pisses off Pilate, and he confronts Caiaphas in a bathing(?) area and tells him (basically) to not go behind his back again.
And later on, one of the assistants of Caiaphas suggests showing another man's corpse to the public and claim that it's Jesus, but Caiaphas warns against it, because he sticks to his ways of being truthful...
-...which is ironic, because he already lied to Pilate about the tomb once and got bashed for it.

Meanwhile, Mary Magdeline...

-Yeah, I already figured out who she is (what she looks like). I feel pretty bad not knowing what she looked like in the premiere episode.
...sees the tomb open, and then she meets Jesus and realizes that he has risen from the dead. She tries to tell this to the disciples, but when some of them go to the tomb themselves, they suspect foul play.

It's not until later when the disciples see Jesus for themselves appear in their room.

-Now in the two scenes with the disciples and Thomas, they were pretty emotional for me, because I remember Simon Peter saying before Jesus appeared (somewhere along the lines of): "I wish I could tell him I'm sorry."

While that's going on, the rebellion is going stronger. There's a point where Pilate has the city sealed, where go one can either enter or leave. The disciples are helped by some of the rebels to leave the city, because the disciples were told by Jesus to meet him at Galilee.
-Now, for what it's worth: I kind of liked the chase scene. It was compelling, and it had you on the edge of your seat.

Later on...
-I think I might be telling this out of order, but...
There's a scene where Pilate invites Caiaphas over to his establishment... only to have him witness the bloody execution of the guards that were supposed to have guarded Jesus' tomb.
-Talk about throwing your crew under the bus.
So why is Pilate hell-bent on destruction. Well... listen to this: he doesn't want anything to disrupt his beach vacation with his wife.
-Talk about a whiny character! It's like: I'm going to the beach with my woman. So I want everything to be perfect! If no one will please this wish, I will be mad. That is all.

In Galilee...
Simon Peter has to answer Jesus' question three times:
Jesus: "Do you love me?"
-This is because if you remember from the previous episode (or if you read the Bible), Simon Peter denied Jesus three times. So here, it's fitting that he answer the question three times.

Later on, Jesus makes Peter his successor, and then he tells the disciples to spread the word about him. After, Jesus disappears back to heaven.
-And yes, the CG effects are top-notch. It's like Disney meets The Ten Commandments.

Now in this episode, we get a semi-full appearance of Jesus (but at least he got more screen time here than in the premiere episode). Also, we start to see some of the characters for who they are, whether you're new to the Biblical accounts or if you came already knowing the story.
For me, I can't wait to see what else is in store for this series, because it's that good. And plus, the first two episodes have already made it clear that this isn't over, because from what was teased at the end credits, Peter now has healing abilities like Jesus.
-I didn't mean to throw in that spoiler, but it was teased at the end, I promise you.

Whatsoever Critic
Source: A.D. The Bible Continues

Courtesy: NBC/Lightworkers Media

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