Thursday, April 23, 2015

Editorial: Is Veggietales Listening to Us Now?

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Remember my video on the survey that the Veggietales email newsletter that was recently released? 

Is Veggietales Listening to Us Now? video

In the video, I said I was going to do an editorial on the subject matter: Is Veggietales listening to us now?

Now the show that's under fire here is the Netflix series Veggietales In The House. Ever since the show came out this past November (2014), there has been so much debate about the show's choices and its style among the Veggietales fan community.
-And trust me, I'm part of that fan community.

And the series in question was featured in the survey that came out via email on Apr. 10, 2015. Now I don't think I'm giving anything away here when I say that the gist of the survey is that Big Idea is asking: Are the new character designs okay? Why or why not?
Now my question is: Why did it take Big Idea this long to make that inquiry to us?
-I mean, really? They had to wait at least three or four months to ask us whether the new designs suck or not? They had to wait until they released a line of episodes and a DVD to ask us this?

However, there's always a method to one's madness.
Maybe it took this long for Big Idea to ask us what we thought, because some of us are  still trying to adjust to the change... ME.
Also, there's only a handful of episodes of Veggietales In The House on Netflix, and still in its first season. And only one DVD has featured this change so far in the originalVeggietales series. 

Now let's talk about the survey itself. If you're subscribed to Veggietales' email newsletters, you may have gotten the survey already. The idea of a survey to beg the issue that was discussed earlier was very ballsy of Big Idea. However, a survey that's linked on an email isn't enough to speak to the entire fanbase for the following reasons:
1. Not everyone in the fanbase is subscribed to the newsletter.
2. A survey in an email was the only medium used to make the inquiry, instead of doing that AND also reaching out on social media.
3. It's been at least two weeks since the survey came out. So what now? There's no set deadline to the survey. So are they expecting survey-takers to trickle in and take it?

So, is Veggietales listening to us now? Well, yes and no.
The reason why I say yes is because Big Idea was brave enough to send us a survey, because of the fan community reacting to the changes, as proven in one Youtube video:

Why Veggietales In The House Doesn't Work
Original Video:

Even I mentioned the changes over and over in my previous editorials on Veggietales In The House:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

However, I also disagree, because I don't feel that anything's been done about it. The only semi-response to our questioning of the changes made in the series was the new intro to Veggietales, as featured in the recent DVD release "Noah's Ark":

Original Video Uploaded by Veggietales Official Youtube channel:

So what do you guys think? Do you think they're listening to us? Let me know in the comments section below. 
But either way, I'm still going to go back to Veggietales, even though I may or may not agree with some of the choices its made. And besides, LarryBoy and I go a long way back; so there's no way I hate him now, even though his costume design was tinkered and altered.

Whatsoever Critic
Veggietales In The House
Veggietales email newsletter

Courtesy: Big Idea Entertainment/DreamWorks

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