Saturday, August 2, 2014

Editorial: ABC's "The Quest"- Was It Worth Watching?

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

This past Thursday (7/31/14), I watched the premiere of The Quest on ABC.


First of all, it was advertised in almost every commercial break on ABC, which made the show hard to forget about when trying to find something good to watch. Second of all, the ads made the show seem theatrical and amazing.
-The show should know, because they have executive producers from Lord of the Rings and The Amazing Race... just as advertised.

Now, for the show itself... I had mixed views on it.

It's not bad. I mean, I love the premise. I love the fact that the 12 contestants are dream-seekers, dreamers, and adventurers at heart, and wanted to live in a fantasy world. 
But with that said, I think there was a little too much subtlty in the competition, as if the show wanted to play it safe, rather than be ballsy like in Whodunnit.
-Then again, it's the pilot episode. So, there's still some time to improve.
As far as the elimination process went (I won't say who got eliminated), it was too subtle. In fact, they don't even show you what happens to the eliminated person, or at least where they go for "banishment"...
-...unless the show is saving that bit of info for later on in the first season. (I don't know!) But again, there's still room for improvement.

Overall, this show was okay. In fact, I can't wait until it comes back on next week.

Whatsoever Critic
Source: The Quest (ABC)

Courtesy: ABC

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