Saturday, December 6, 2014

Editorial: Is "Veggietales In The House" A Hit or Miss?

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Big Idea (under DreamWorks now) had recently released a series on Netflix called Veggietales In The House.

I saw the show through Netflix (Obviously... Where else can you see the show? (And don't say Youtube!)); that's one of the shows that's apparently trending right now. From what I've heard and saw from social media, people had mixed reviews on this show. Some people say that the show is okay; others complained about it. But what do I think about the show?

So, first, we have to discuss the one thing that people are mostly complaining about: the character design.

Why did Veggietales need to get a new look? What was wrong with the old design?

In the original series, the animation had little to no problems at all. The character designs were just enough to be called credible. Here, in this new show, they have the characters looking like something out of a Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network cartoon.
-I mean, who's idea was it to use animation that's just as cartoony and wacky-looking as the show Fanboy and Chum Chum?
-Plus, who knew that Larry the Cucumber had red eyes?
-Plus, why does Archibald's head look more inflated than the rest of his body? A big head with a small body is almost always as wacky as [fill in your own punch line here].
Anyway, there's a slew of Youtube videos that say that the new design is out of Big Idea's league.

Now, for the show itself: the show is surprisingly good. I mean, so far it's spawned at least 5 episodes on Netflix.
-Wow! That's pretty good.
But is it insultingly good? I mean, with the new character design and everything, the show was sure gonna get mixed reviews no matter what.

Overall, the show isn't so bad. I mean, the decision to make the characters look and feel different was risky, because in the original series, there was nothing wrong with the old design. But if you like the new design, good for you. I mean, it's kind of like the new design of the animatronic characters from the Five Nights at Freddy's series, in comparison to its original game: we just had to get used to the new design, whether we wanted to or not.

Whatsoever Critic
Veggietales In The House
Five Nights at Freddy's
Five Nights at Freddy's 2

Courtesy: Big Idea and Scott Cawthon

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