Friday, November 7, 2014

1st CHARACTER ANALYSIS Ever!!!: Rico from "Penguins of Madagascar"

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

And welcome to my first Character Analysis segment, where I analyze a character that I pick out of a hat. If you haven't seen the video for Character Analysis, check it out in the November 2014 archive of this blog. If you have, then here it is.

Today, we'll be looking at the character Rico from Penguins of Madagascar.

It was a bit of a surprise to analyze this character first. I mean, he's not the main main character of the show. However, he still has some good qualities that make him as memorable as his conrads. So, sit back and enjoy my first-ever Character Analysis.

Making his first appearance in the first Madagascar movie, Rico was one of the team members of the lovable paramilitary-like quartet. As the Madagascar movies got more and more successful, the DreamWorks franchise spawned a spin-off show, starting the team of penguins.

Now, in the movie franchise, Rico is seen to be the team's weapon expert, not saying a word, but only speaking in grunts and gags. Sure, he pukes out needed weapons every once in a while, but not as often as in the TV series.

Now, on the show, Rico's puking is strongly used and emphasized. Heck, there was even an episode where he couldn't puke up anything because he was drugged with a Pepto-Bismol (or something similar), and there was a frantic race against time to get him to puke again before a bomb inside him went off! (Refer to the episode: "All Choked Up.")

Plus, unlike the movie franchise, Rico has a bigger personality on the show.

He hits on Barbie dolls; he's protective of his stern leader;

and he can be a little of a psychopath in some of the episodes, but he still possesses a good heart... well as comical out of the bunch.
His character works out great with the other Penguins, because they make up the usual quartet/team formula: the stern leader, the muscle, the geeky/smart one, and the softie. In this case, Rico is definitely the muscle part.

The only question I have for Rico is the scar on the side of his beak. That's never explained in the movies or in the show. If we were to ask in person, Skipper would probably say that that's classified.
-Understandably so.
I don't know. Since the Penguins of Madagascar movie is set to come out in theaters soon, maybe... just maybe... something like that would be explained in the upcoming movie, because the movie is supposed to be about their origins, right?

And that was my first Character Analysis segment. I hope you all enjoyed it. And, like I said before, this one would be a breeze. Stay tuned, for I'll have another Character Analysis video filmed and uploaded onto my Youtube channel, as well as onto my blog. In my next video, I will draw another name out of a hat and tell you what character I will analyze next.

Whatsoever Critic
Source: Penguins of Madagascar

Courtesy: DreamWorks Animation

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