Friday, October 24, 2014

When NOT To Play "Five Nights at Freddy's"

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Ever since I started playing Five Nights at Freddy's, I wanted to be silly and have a list of times in one's life that you SHOULDN'T play the game. Besides being faint-at-heart, there are limits to gameplay when playing it in your life. What are they? Well, get ready to laugh as I bring you a list of when NOT to play Five Nights at Freddy's

(Disclaimer: The following list is meant to be for this blog's entertainment purposes. They should NOT be attempted. You will not like the end results.)

1. Playing in the dark.
If you're afraid of the dark, this game will not help any.
-I'll admit: I sometimes play this game in the dark, because it's more authentic. If you're not like me, just play it safe and have the light on.
Plus, you know how with every video game console has in their instruction booklets that you should play "in a well-lit room"? You'll have to take that into consideration.

2. While in a car.
If you're the driver, then playing the game is already out of the question. If you're the passenger, be aware that if you tend to scream at a jumpscare in the game, then you won't be doing your driver any favors, because that can be distracting for them.

3. While filing your taxes.
Jumpscares and numbers don't mix. So don't do it.

4. When in the library.
Jumpscares don't mix well with the quiet... unless this game doesn't scare you to when you scream at every jumpscare. Other than that, it's not recommended.
-Whatever happened to "using indoor voices"?

5. At the movies
Do you know those rules that people tend to neglect at the movies with the cell phones and talking during a movie? The same rules apply here: do not play this game during a movie. People will hate you for it.

6. At a hospital
It's bad enough that people in critical pain or people that suffered a heart attack/stroke are at the hospital. Don't give them an excuse to worsen their pain.
If you're not a patient, be aware that in the waiting room, you may be surrounded by other people. If you scream at a jumpscare, people will turn and look at you weird.

7. When cooking
This is an easy one to avoid doing. Just pick and choose: either play or cook. One of them can wait. Otherwise, you'll burn the house down. You'll probably fumble with the pots and pans. Worse case scenario: chopping food and... [fill in your end result here]. It's a no-brainer.

8. Falling asleep
If you're tired, then go to sleep. But force yourself to play the game when you're drowsy. Chances are, a demented animatronic fox will appear at you door in the game's setting and wake you back up immediately.
-Unfortunately for me, true story.

9. When on a date
Unless you and your partner agreed to play the game together (not coerced!), this game is a turn-off.

10. During class
Education is more important than video games. Plus, your teacher will be pissed if you play such a game in their presence... unless your teacher is too lenient to lay down the law. Either way, it won't do you any favors.

Did you enjoy this list? These are only 10 things that people shouldn't do when playing Five Nights at Freddy's. Again, this list was just for fun.

Whatsoever Critic
Source: Five Nights at Nights

Courtesy: Scott Cawthon/Desura

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