Thursday, November 7, 2013

Editorial: Why Do Villains Wear Capes?

Hi. I'm the Amateur Critic. I review just about anything.

As a kid, and growing up, I would be a sucker for cartoons dealing with good guys and bad guys. What struck me with villains was that some of them would wear capes.

I would wonder about this: why do villains wear capes?
We see villains sporting capes in movies and TV shows.

But what were so special about the capes?

What made the capes so significant to the villains wearing them?
I was looking this question up on the Internet, and I came across Yahoo! Answers, where one person wrote: "More dramatic and better visuals. A robe falls from the shoulders straight to the ground. It makes you look bigger and more stable if you have the shoulders for it. Capes flap. Both capes and robes historically have associations with the scholarly professions and the upper classes; there is a suggestion of power about them."

Well, that person made a good point.
Most of us know that most of the villains that we see on TV and movies want the same thing: power. They're power-hungry individuals that will do anything to obtain it. It's just their nature.
So, why do villains wear capes?

To be frank, there's no right or wrong answer to this question.

Some villains wear capes for fashion purposes.

Most of them just want to advertise how "powerful" they are in social status, physicality, and/or in profession.

It's like wearing a sweater like some people would do when they play golf at a country club.
And plus, it's entirely up to the person that created the villain character in a movie or show. Only the imagination of the creator can determine the character design and costume design of the character.
Nowadays, villains in capes seem very clichéd. However, who wouldn't like a baddie showing off his or her bad-ass nature?

Amateur Critic
LarryBoy and the Angry Eyebrows
LarryBoy: Leggo My Ego
The Pebble and the Penguin
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
LarryBoy and the Bad Apple
Yahoo! Answers

All rights go to Big Idea Entertainment, Don Bluth, Warner Bros., and Yahoo!

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