Thursday, May 7, 2015

Whatsoever Critic on, etc. (WE'RE GOING VIRAL)

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Back as a freshman in college, I was hooked to a website called It's an online forum where people can write stories about some of their favorite TV shows, movies, etc. I haven't messed with my account in years, but I'm thinking of starting it up again. (It'll take a while though, because I need ideas.)

Also, I'm interested in a site called Deviant Art, which is where people can basically draw on the computer and/or display fan art on the Internet. That's something I want to start doing. (That'll take a while too, because I need to create an account, and I need ideas.)

So, I'll spend the upcoming summer incorporating and Deviant art. And I just want to say thank you for the views, and I hope you follow me on my Youtube channel.

Whatsoever Critic

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