Sunday, May 31, 2015

WC's Top 10 Veggietales Characters

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Today, I'd thought I share my love for Veggietales by giving you my Top 10 favorite characters on the show. Now, for this list, I'm excluding characters from the Veggietales In The House series, because the Netflix series is still recent; and plus, the original Veggietales is worth mentioning more than its spin-off show.
So alright; let's jump in.

10. Junior Asparagus

It's not that I hate this kid or anything; I just felt that his better performances was in the earlier videos like Where's God When I'm S-S-Scared?!, Are You My Neighbor?Rack, Shack, and Benny, and LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space (one of my all-time favorites).

9. The French Peas

This duo was sort of fun to watch and listen to, because of their French accents (obviously). Sometimes they would cause mischief, but at other times they help people.

8. Jimmy and Jerry Gourd

I decided to put these two together, because like the French Peas, they're a duo. They do pretty much anything together like eat, play games, eat, cause mischief, eat, come out as cameos, and... did I already mention that they eat? Yeah, they eat a lot of things, from lion-based pizza, to asteroid popcorn, to having a "hankering for chicken."

7. Bob the Tomato

Even though he's the main host of the show, I still scored him at #7 on the list, because he seems more down-to-earth and more Mister-Rogers-like than any of the other characters.

However, his usual down-to-earth demeanor suits him well, because when we get to the "What We've Learned Today" segments, you can't help but laugh every time he gets annoyed by the song, and then you listen as he announces the Bible lesson for the video.

6. Pa Grape

Now this may be the coolest old person I know from a TV series. Pa Grape is a quirky yet wise character that usually acts as a character's guide as to solve problems. He first appeared in the video God Wants Me To Forgive Them?! as the head of a family of grapes who cause trouble for Junior Asparagus, until morality steps in, and he is the first person to realize his mistake and not bully people again.

To me, he's pretty cool; and I was impressed that the show got to keep him on with Veggietales In The House, but still, we won't get into the spin-off series.

5. The Scallions

Now this trio was introduced in the very first Veggietales video ever: Where's God When I'm S-S-Scared?! (the "Daniel in the Lions' Den" segment). The most notable scallion is the tall one named Cedric.
-Fun fact: We do learn that that's his name, even though he says in the "Larry's High Silk Hat Song" that even though he's "been around since show 1" that he's still nameless. Well, caught you in that lie, Cedric.

Mainly, these three scallions are up to no good, whether their baddies in the LarryBoy realm, or they're messing around with other characters.

4. Q.W.E.R.T.Y

We all know that this is a reference to the first six letters on the English keyboard. So, it was pretty unique that the show had a somewhat anthropomorphic computer that's named Q.W.E.R.T.Y.

Normally, Q.W.E.R.T.Y is used to show us the Bible lesson after each video.

3. Mr. Nezzer

Yeah, sure. He could be a buzzkill at times, and he would usually get the antagonist roles in the videos. However, what's memorable about him is his performance.

No matter what role he's given, it's like he's automatically adapted that role.

Though, it's sad to see Mr. Nezzer be replaced by Ichabeezer in Veggietales In The House... and I've complained about this in a previous blog post. So, he'll surely be missed.

2. Archibald Asparagus

Even though he can be very annoying at times, he's still a very impressive character. Archibald has starred in many of the Veggietales episodes,

and was even the lead character once for the show's first-ever movie, Jonah: A Veggietales Movie.
With a classy demeanor and a British accent, this asparagus is pretty cool.

Plus, he's well known in the LarryBoy realm as Alfred Asparagus, which really suits him, seeing that he's British and that he's a smart guy. This is one guy that you could definitely have a tea party or get-together with.

1. Larry the Cucumber

By now, you all probably know where I'm going with this list...
Yes, I believe that Larry is my favorite character of all the Veggietales characters.
First of all, he's LarryBoy.

-LarryBoy fans know that Larry and LarryBoy are the same person. And what LarryBoy fan doesn't love Larry the Cucumber?

Plus, Larry seems to be the most beloved character in Veggietales. If you were to do a quick Google search on Larry the Cucumber, you'll see the many videos, images, fan art and fanfiction dedicated to him.

And truth be told, he's on most of the cover art for videos, DVDs, CDs, and other merchandise.
Also, he's the most quirky and fun-loving of all the characters. I mean, who doesn't want to be friends with someone like Larry? I know I would like to be friends with him.

So yeah, that was my Top 10 list on who my favorite Veggietales character is. Who's your favorite character from Veggietales? Feel free to leave a like or comment on who you think is your favorite; and also expect another fun blog post like this in the future.

Whatsoever Critic
Veggietales In The House

Courtesy: Big Idea Entertainment; Big Idea/DreamWorks

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