Friday, May 1, 2015

"A.D. The Bible Continues" Ep. 4 Review (4/26/15)

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Sorry for the huge delay. With graduation coming, there was a lot to be done. However, I did manage to view episode 4 of A.D. The Bible Continues.

So let's get started.
Oh, and... something I may or may not have mentioned in my previous reviews of this show...
Now we can start.

Pilate is hell-bent on finding his assassin, so he makes a delegation that 10 Jews are crucified every day until the assassin is captured. Team Caiaphas are shocked to find that the governor has made such a decree.

While Simon Peter and John are sitting in prison, the rest of the disciples are baptizing people. Maya wants to go back to Jerusalem to find out about her imprisoned father Simon Peter, and a man named Steven gets acquainted with her... because apparently he and Simon Peter knew each other.
-It seems that Peter has connections with people. First, the rebel guy called Boaz, and now this Steven guy.

While Caiaphas prays for the crucified Jews at the execution site, a rebel is tortured in the prison where Simon Peter and John are at.
Simon Peter: "We're going to die today, John."
-That seemed nonchalant.

Meanwhile, Pilate learns about the assassin Boaz, and orders the soldiers to find him. His wife Claudia suggests handing Boaz over to Caiaphas, but Pilate thinks she's an idiot.
-He doesn't say that she's an idiot, but he makes it clear to her that she should mind her own business.

Caiaphas' wife Leah secretly tries to bribe a beggar to falsely testify against Simon Peter and John. Now this is the beggar from the previous episode, the one that was healed by Simon Peter.
-How much you want to bet that this felt like a reference to Judas' conspiring with authority to hand over and/or betray someone like Jesus?

During their trial, Caiaphas degrades Simon Peter and John by telling the audience that the miracle with the beggar was staged, and that it was theatrics. But when the beggar himself is called to testify, he defends Simon and John.
-So... Judas symbolism is out the window at this point.
So, seeing that he has inefficient evidence, he's forced to release Simon and John, but not without having them swear to never talk or preach about Jesus...
-Don't count on it, Caiaphas...

So Simon Peter and John are welcomed back with open arms, having Simon give a really good motivational speech, and people donating for the cause. One couple claimed to have sold their house to help the cause.

Next, Peter is called to heal a girl. At first, it doesn't seem to work, but it worked anyway. Steven sees this miracle and wants to spread the word, but Peter says that they need to wait for the right time.

But Steven doesn't have time to ponder this, because he runs into the guards. When refusing to stand aside, he's beaten down by the captain of the guards.

Meanwhile, Peter ponders about everything around him changing quickly. But with the helpful guidance of Jesus' mother Mary, Peter gets back his confidence to continue the mission.

However, if the killing of 10 more Jews weren't bad enough for you, wait until you see Pilate mess around with cremated ashes.
Pilate: " I'm building a mountain of their ashes." (in response to the executed Jews)
-(pause) WTF?

One night, Boaz is stopped by a shady guy who tells him to "disappear" in order to avoid getting arrested for murder.
And on that same night, John has a vision of being in town and finding a small crack on the town grounds. John finds this cracked stone, which leads him to a generous man who wants to join the cause.

We keep going back to the execution of the Jews, and when Claudia confronts Pilate about the executions, Pilate stands by his actions:
Pilate: "I am an instrument of Roman power. My actions are an expression and a reminder of that power. And that power sustains Rome. It is paramount."
And then he forbids his wife to never question his motives.
-Wow. That's pretty harsh. Talk about domestic abuse...

So Simon Peter is given a piece of land that the guy (John ran into) offers, and the disciples create their ministry there.

Back in Jerusalem, the execution takes its toll on Team Caiaphas. While that's going on, Boaz leaves his wife to flee. Meanwhile, the secret community is thriving, and Peter meets up with the generous donors from earlier.

Now, while Caiaphas prays while dumping ashes all over him, we cut to Boaz arriving at Peter's community. Seeing Boaz's presence as a breach to the community, Peter asks him to repent; but Boaz doesn't recognize Jesus in the Scriptures, but only the "warriors" of the Scriptures.

Later, Peter has a vision that the generous donors from earlier weren't being honest with God ("betting" against God).

So they each bleed to death for their impure intentions.

Finally, we cut to Caiaphas (still covered in ashes) going to Pilate and begging for the executions to stop, but Pilate refuses to stop. In fact, Pilate is such an asshole, that he makes Caiaphas eat some of the cremated ashes that he was playing with.
The episode ends with Claudia meeting with Leah in secret, saying that the assassin Boaz must be found.

Now, from what I could gather from this episode is that...
If this Boaz guy is captured, then the executions would stop.
If Boaz remains free, the killings would continue.
So,,, how will this be resolved? We'll have to find out in the next episode.
So far, it's a race to catch a guy that's involved in a rebellion against the Rome empire. The Jesus part of this series was lacking in this episode, but this isn't over, guys. There are more episodes to come.

Whatsoever Critic
Source: A.D. The Bible Continues

Courtesy: NBC/LightworkersMedia

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