Monday, September 8, 2014

"The Quest"- Catching Up on Four Episodes

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Ever since school started for me this past August, there was a lot of homework involved. That meant that I had to wait until this past Thursday to catch up on The Quest.

-Thank God for for catching me up to speed on the show.
Now, the show only has two episodes left until season one is over. So, how am I with what happened so far on the show? Well...

1. Christian was finally booted off the competition at some point. (I didn't think he was one of the best players, anyways.)
2. The woman (I don't know her name) that was secretly praying for Bonnie to leave the competition... gets booted off herself.
3. There's more suspense and action. (There's also a dragon involved. SPOILERS, if you haven't seen the show yet!)

1. Bonnie, one of my favorite players on the show, is eliminated in last week's episode!!! WTF! That wasn't right! The show should've kept her longer! That was so unfair!
2. There's only two episodes left for season one of this show... which means after this show is over, I won't have anything to watch on Thursdays (or would I, IDK).

So that was my consensus of four episodes combined into one for this week. I know this was brief, but you can't blame school.

Whatsoever Critic
Source: The Quest

Courtesy: ABC; Court Five; Green Harbor Productions; Profiles Television Productions.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

And welcome to my first segment of "Nitpicking..."

Today, we're going to be looking at the song "Brand New Plan" from the Penguins of Madagascar TV movie, The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Blowhole.

There's no doubt that this was one of the best performances done by Neil Patrick Harris (which most people take for granted by not acknowledging enough that it exists!). Plus, you can tell that this musical number was done really well.
Some people may still have questions about the "plan" that was showcased in that song.
-Well, sure, because this movie is what, 45 minutes to an hour(?) I know, the movie should've been longer, I think...
So, sit back and enjoy what's going to be 100% questioning. This is Nitpicking... Dr. Blowhole's "Brand New Plan."

1. Dr. Blowhole says that the birth of the mutant iPod from the Diaboligizer incident was an "...unforeseen complication." 

Didn't he kinda know what to expect when he accidentally blasted Julien's iPod with the Diaboligizer?

-Dr. Blowhole knew what the Diaboligizer was capable of. In fact, there was a scene where Dr. Blowhole tests the Diaboligizer on a rabbit.

2. Dr. Blowhole plans to control the mutant iPod by singing.

Won't that lead to a sore throat?

3. How would Blowhole turn off this monster when you're not using it?

4. Blowhole's initial plan (at the beginning of the movie... well, in the first half of the movie) was to turn the penguins into monsters... 

Is that idea out the window?

5. If he's in control of the mutant iPod, what's to stop the Penguins from still coming after Dr. Blowhole and fighting him?

6. While we're on the subject, what's to stop any of the humans from calling for reinforcements when they're not in range of the mutant iPod's power?

-What about surveillance cameras in the city?
-What if this catches the attention of the media?

7. We've waited until the 2nd half to get to the musical part of the movie. Why not come up with this "plan" sooner?

-The movie could've been a musical!!!
-Was everything else just counterproductive to waiting to take over the world?

8. If the monster can make people sing...

why doesn't Dr. Blowhole make the monster make people sing to his will?

-His "plan" is like a revolving door!!!

And that was "Nitpicking..."

Whatsoever Critic
Source: Penguins of Madagascar

Courtesy: DreamWorks Animation

New Segment on Whatsoever Critic: "Nitpicking..."

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

In continuation with what to do, now that I'm no longer following a show until next season... I decided to do some nitpicking on whatever I've reviewed in the past or haven't touched yet. Because seriously, you can't help but look at the little things. And plus, you can have big conversations with your friends when you nitpick something.
My first "Nitpicking..." post will be posted soon. I'll be sure to keep y'all posted.

Whatsoever Critic

Editorial: Should "Veggietales" Make Another Movie?

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

You may be wondering...
Are you wondering?
IDK. But I'm wondering when Big Idea would give us another feature-length film. Yeah, it's been a while, right? I mean, the last theatrical movie they gave us was The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything... in 2008. So, basically, it's been more than 6 years now.
Now before we go any further, it's best to talk about Veggietales' theatrical releases. Now, I know I reviewed both of these movies already... even though I broke a promise on not reviewing Jonah... but the reviews are there. So, let's begin.

Jonah was the dramatic retelling of the Biblical story about a prophet that disobeys God and gets punished by being swallowed by a whale until finally repenting.
-SPOILER ALERT: Jonah still didn't get the point of the movie's quest (purpose).
I remember saying in my review that I was indifferent about this movie. To me, it wasn't bad, but it had some kind of awkwardness when it came to the characters, the comedic delivery, and... the awkward moments. Other than that, the animation was great, as well as the voice acting.
So, how did everyone else like this movie? Well, there was really no consensus. You either loved it or hated it. Well, I saw why people loved it or hated it. So, I agree. There really was no consensus.

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything... that one, on the other hand...

Well, let's get the premise out of the way: The movie was about three friends that end up in a different scenario (due to unusual circumstances), and are mistaken as heroes...
-Yeah. Familiar? It's like another version of Three Amigos... but with pirates and princesses!
Well, in my review, I criticized the movie for reaching out to only the younger audience the majority of the film, instead of speaking to everyone, like a family film would. I also criticized the fact that there were so many things in the movie that were never explained. Aside from those criticisms, though, the soundtrack wasn't bad; the animation was awesome, as well. Yeah, for all its problems, I think the animation and soundtrack may have gave this movie some kind of value.

Okay, so now that we went through the movies, let's talk about the history.

Once upon a time, near 2000, Big Idea was preparing their first feature-length film, which was a huge jump out of their comfort zone, which was being a video series. Up until 2002, the first movie Jonah was promoted through a sing-along video, as well as in VHS and DVD trailers.
It was reported that it took $14 million to create this movie. Was the movie successful? Well, it made at least $25 million at the box office. But keep in mind that Veggietales wasn't the only kids' show that released its own feature-length film during that year: there was also Hey Arnold! The Movie, The Powerpuff Girls Movie, and The Wild Thornberrys Movie. Plus, know that this was the year when Disney decided to make less animated movies (ex. Lilo and Stitch, Return To Never Land, and Treasure Planet). Also, keep in mind that Dreamworks and Blue Sky Studios were just stepping out of Disney's shadow as their own animation studios (ex. Ice Age and Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron), while other animation studios gave us movie bombs like Eight Crazy Nights. In summary, the movies that made most of the profit was anything non-Disney.
This, of course, brought Big Idea some success on the big screen. And it wouldn't be until 2008 that they decide to give us another film.

When word went out that The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything was going to be Big Idea's next movie, I remember that the movie was promoted through Christian stores, and... maybe during kids' shows.
-Well, let's face it. Jonah was promoted more than this one.
On the week of its premiere, The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything was (I think) the only kids' movie that was out there. But it would be a week later than movies like Cloverfield would either intrigue or scare kids away from this movie; and movies like Rambo (or Rambo IV) and Jumper would pose the same threat, while Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert would show no mercy in its own way.
To make matters worse, it took $15 million to make this movie- a million dollars more than Jonah- but only made at least $13 million in the box office. This estimated $2 million deficit may have had Big Idea running back for cover.
Maybe that was why we haven't had a movie from them yet.

But can Big Idea still make another movie?

Honestly, I believe they can.
First of all, it's been at least 6 years since their last feature-length film. So, they ought to give it a shot.
Second, I truly believe that Big Idea has the creativity to give us another film. They just need to look in the right direction...

Lastly, I know that Big Idea can learn from their mistakes, because they have made mistakes before (ex. refer to "The Bunny Song" from Rack, Shack, and Benny, and its history to know what I mean).

Whatsoever Critic

Courtesy: Big Idea Entertainment