Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Evolution of Dr. Blowhole

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Just as I went through the evolution of LarryBoy, I figured I would give Dr. Blowhole the same treatment! Now I know I talked about him in my recent editorial: Why Should Dr. Blowhole Make A Comeback? However, here, I will be mainly focusing on the three installments: their story and their quality. Nonetheless, since I'm a die-hard Dr. Blowhole fan, I will talk about him.
So sit back and enjoy what I like to call... The Evolution of Dr. Blowhole!

For the first time on Nickelodeon, we had a legit supervillain that was way cooler than Plankton from Spongebob Squarepants and way less of a lunatic than any of the Fairly OddParents villains... and he was way cooler than any of the Kim Possible villains. Yeah, this villain was bad-ass with all the gadgets and minions. He had his successes in specials; but in one of them... not so much.

So what's a big entrance without going over a little background.

Once upon a time, the show Penguins of Madagascar made its TV debut on November 29, 2008.
During its first season, if you listen to the dialogue, the character Skipper, the leader of the Penguins, would mention Dr. Blowhole, whether something strange happens either at the zoo or in their town.

He was mentioned in the episode "Eclipsed," when the entire zoo experienced a solar eclipse during the day; and Skipper accused him of finding out how to extinguish the sun.

He was also mentioned in the episode "Roomies," when the sea otter Marlene gets a walrus for a roommate; and Skipper has suspicions that the walrus was in cahoots with Dr. Blowhole.

It wasn't until February of 2010 that Nickelodeon announced that the Penguins would fight an enemy in a half-hour special. Enter Dr. Blowhole's Revenge.

This was the first full appearance of Dr. Blowhole. For those of you who were not so lucky on passing this special up, I'll give you the story.

The special centered around lemur King Julien being kidnapped by the infamous dolphin supervillain. So Team Penguin has to rescue Julien and stop Dr. Blowhole from destroying the world.

-Little known fact: This was the very first review that I did since Day 1 of this blog.
Now, I know I criticized some of this special on my Dr. Blowhole's Revenge review, but I'll bring them up again here.
The first problem with this special was the villain's over-the-top theatrical-ness. This led to me pointing out so many bad guy cliches like how the evil plan is explained, the bragging, the motives, etc. I also pointed out the many times Dr. Blowhole would look directly into the camera and/or mug the camera.

-I always thought that he was photogenic.
Another problem I had with this special was the plot holes. For example, at the beginning, there was a scene with Dr. Blowhole escaping his lair and leaving the Penguins to die during the self-destruction of the place. But then seconds later, the scene shifts to Private telling the other zoosters about the adventure.

This begs the question: How did the Penguins escape Dr. Blowhole's self-destructing lair? That's never explained. In fact, the show does this again near the end after they foiled Dr. Blowhole's Ring-of-Fire project, but this time with Julien telling the story.

-Again, those were never explained.
I especially found most of the plot holes in Dr. Blowhole's backstory, when he's explaining his Ring-of-Fire contraption and why he built the device in the first place.

-But to be fair, the special had a hour-hour time slot to follow. But hey. Why not make Dr. Blowhole more presentable?
Despite its minor flaws, it was still a good special. It wasn't meant to be perfect, even though it was a 30-minute long special.

However, some people thought that the special could've been a little longer. But that's okay. We had The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Blowhole for that.

Now this is the fun part! Seeing Dr. Blowhole in his bad-ass awesomeness in a one-hour TV movie!
The movie is about Dr. Blowhole up to no good again.

He steals Skipper's memories, leaves Skipper to die (Harsh!), and uses the memories to locate the other Penguins, so that he can turn them into his monster slaves.

And plus, a mutant MP3 player comes into the mix, and Blowhole takes advantage by using the iPod to take over the zoo and town;

but the Penguins race to the rescue to stop him.
This was where the villain was taken more seriously. This was where he ventured out of his lair (or at least, we see him venture out of his lair) to bring the fight to the Penguins!

So, how would one describe this movie? Well, I did a review on this one, and I had mixed reviews on it. I loved the premise, but I questioned the storyline (I spotted some plot holes). I praised the action and suspense, but I didn't like the problem-solving skills of some of the characters.
As far as the payoffs go, they were decent... but to an extent. For example, remember that scene where the Penguins are deciding who would be the best singer to go up against Dr. Blowhole (seeing that the dolphin has the voice of Neil Patrick Harris, and also has the singing voice of Neil Patrick Harris)? They end up choosing King Julien.

-This was the choice that I didn't like, because earlier, Kowalski was singing with Dr. Blowhole, which was really fun. Kowalski should've been the person to challenge Dr. Blowhole in a sing-off! What's wrong with these people?! Did Julien just want more screen time?
Another problem I had with this movie were the cameos. What was with the drive-by cameos on some of these characters? I mean, seriously?
1. I saw Hans the Puffin in the opening scene, because it turned out he was part of Dr. Blowhole's plan to ambush Skipper and take his memories.

After that, he makes one more quick cameo in Blowhole's submarine, and never shows up again.
2. I saw Rockgut for a second.

3. I saw a snow monkey, who claims to have known Skipper as a Buddhist-whatever...

4. I saw Alex the Lion make an appearance (Okay, I won't count him, because he's in the movie more than the other cameos.)

5. I saw Max the Squirrel for a second...
6. The taxi driver... who's also the dolphin trainer at a Seaworld knock-off...(?) (I don't think he counts, do you?)
Most of the cameos don't even fit into the story well. Most of them do nothing, and take a backseat to what the story is really trying to get to.
Anyway, despite its flaws, it was still amazing. This was the Dr. Blowhole special that I made sure not to miss on its TV premiere.

But sadly, as many great characters/icons do, they slip up. And plus, they had to take a backseat to a poorly-written, childish, unoriginal story. Yeah, I'm talking about The Penguin Who Loved Me.

It's obvious that the show wanted to spoof the James Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me. However, look at how they've executed the parody!
It's about Kowalski wanting to get back with his ex-girlfriend Doris,

who's with a platypus named Parker...

-Tell me if Parker reminds you of anything...

...Doris needs Kowalski to free her brother from a Seaworld knock-off; but it turns out that Dr. Blowhole is Doris' brother...

and it turns out that Parker works for Dr. Blowhole and turns on his girlfriend.
So the Penguins and Doris race to stop Parker from getting Dr. Blowhole back to normal from the Mind-Jacker incident, only to be attacked by Parker... and only to be too late to stop Dr. Blowhole from returning to his evil self.

And (get a load of this), Dr. Blowhole was already working on a new project on how to destroy the world (Hi, how did he come up with that), and the Penguins, including Kowalski, must stop him and save the day.
-And all of that was your first problem:

How can a romance story segway itself something action-packed and suspenseful as a Dr. Blowhole story? It doesn't add up.
-Another problem is... it barely has Dr. Blowhole's true character in it. You'd think that he would've gotten his memories back during the first half of the special. But no!

The show had to wait until the second half to do so! I'm not saying that the performing-dolphin side of Dr. Blowhole was lame; it's just that I'm used to seeing his evil self, which is far more interesting.
-Another problem I had with his special is that the relationship between Kowalski and Doris wasn't all that interesting.

All it is is just bickering, but then making amends at the end (I won't tell you how that happens). To make matters worse, no matter what scene Doris is in, she's always getting the short end of the stick depending on a situation.

-To make matters worse for the audience, this special only aired in other countries... except for the U.S. What the hell?! Why didn't this special air in the U.S.? What, did Nickelodeon have a dispute with a cable/satellite provider? Well, screw it. It wouldn't make a different anyway, whether it was aired in the U.S. or not.
Yeah, I could tell that this special was the most forgettable of all the Dr. Blowhole specials.

It was something that I'd like to call: Diet-Dr. Blowhole.

Now that we've gone through the evolution of Dr. Blowhole, we can now summarize and maybe come up with a remedy.


Dr. Blowhole, overall, is one of the most underrated bad guys that I really enjoyed watching. Why doesn't everyone else love this bad guy? What's wrong with this villain? Sure, he may be flawed in some ways, but at least he's not simply running around like a psychotic, jackass terrorist. And yes, he had his stardom, along with his screw-ups, but he's still a decent villain.

I keep hearing that there's going to be a Penguins of Madagascar movie (as mentioned in my Why Should Dr. Blowhole Make A Comeback? editorial) some time in November 2014. Here's what I'm hoping for: I'm hoping that Dr. Blowhole will be the villain of the movie, that way he can have the comeback that he truly deserves. That would be the cure for this villain.
However, even if he isn't the villain of the new movie, Dr. Blowhole will still have his admirers and supports from his die-hard fans, even when he's no longer on Nickelodeon.

Whatsoever Critic
Penguins of Madagascar
Phineas and Ferb

Courtesy: DreamWorks Animation and Disney.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Why Should Dr. Blowhole Make A Comeback? (Editorial Update)

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

This is my first update on an editorial in this blog.

I recently posted an editorial on why Dr. Blowhole should make a comeback in the Penguins of Madagascar series. I also mentioned that the Penguins of Madagascar movie was said to be released in March 2015. However, thanks to Google and Wikipedia, there's been a change on the release date.
Online news sites like Variety.com, Deadline.com, and The Wrap suggest that the movie switched dates with another movie called Home. Even Wikipedia is proclaiming this as true.
So I should so happy, right? But first, ask me this one question: What was my reaction to this?

IDK. It's not that I dreaded this new release date. It's just that I found myself crossing my fingers some more and getting more nervous. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up if Dr. Blowhole isn't the villain of this movie... but as a die-hard Dr. Blowhole fan- it's a friggin' challenge!!!

Speaking of villains, DreamWorks still hasn't revealed who the villain would be. Hell! They haven't even given us a teaser trailer for this movie yet.
-So the movie industry would give us a teaser trailer of the 2015 Disney movie Cinderella, but NOT one for this movie? What, are they afraid that no one would see this movie?

So the new release date, according to sources from the Internet, declare that the Penguins of Madagascar movie will be released on November 26, 2014, around Thanksgiving time.
-Fair enough for the kids, because most kids are out from school around that time.
-This seems like a birthday present for me, because I'm hoping to see the movie already, even though I'm still nervous about the movie's quality.

To be honest, I don't care what people say. I still want Dr. Blowhole to make a comeback in the series.

Whatsoever Critic
The Wrap

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Editorial: Why Should Dr. Blowhole Make A Comeback?

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

You know, in this blog, I go on and on about my favorite characters. I especially go on and on about LarryBoy. But for this editorial, I'm going on and on... NOT about LarryBoy? SOLD! (No offense, LarryBoy.)
Besides LarryBoy, I go on and on about Dr. Blowhole, the villainous dolphin from the show Penguins of Madagascar.

I already reviewed all three of his appearances: Dr. Blowhole's Revenge, The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Blowhole (redundant-much-redundant?), and The Penguin Who Loved Me. I remember praising the first two installments of Dr. Blowhole, because of the villain being so unique in so many ways. However, I remember grading the third installment pretty low, because one, it had little to do with Dr. Blowhole; and two, this one, overall, didn't seem and feel like a legit Dr. Blowhole story. I guess for the third chapter of the Dr. Blowhole saga, the writers left their brains at Comic-Con or somewhere, because The Penguin Who Loved Me was tasteless and mediocre. Now, Dr. Blowhole fans (including me) are wondering: Will he make a comeback?
Before we talk about Dr. Blowhole, it's best to talk about... Dr. Blowhole.

Once upon a time in February of 2010, Nickelodeon announced that Penguins of Madagascar would have its first-ever special, Operation: Blowhole (as dubbed by Nickelodeon),

or as the show itself calls it "Dr. Blowhole's Revenge."

This was when viewers were introduced to the dolphin supervillain through clever advertising. Advertisers thought of just showing teaser trailers (the ones where they don't show Dr. Blowhole's face) near the start of February 2010, so that it would make viewers curious and want to see the special. Some time later, advertisers released the trailer for this special, but this time, not only showing Dr. Blowhole's face, but also giving viewers the gist of what they'll see if they watch the special.

The trailer was then followed by a series of mini-ads, where the character Kowalski would talk a little about the dolphin supervillain- ranging from his technology, to his spying, to his mispronouncing the word "penguin."

Again, that was clever advertising.
Now I'll admit, I didn't get to see the premiere of this special, because one, I wasn't into the series yet; and two, I was curious to know who Dr. Blowhole was, but lied low to see what people thought about it. I didn't see the special until sometime in June of that same year. I remember being at my dad's house, flipping through channels to see what was on. Then I found this special on Nickelodeon; the opening credits had already started rolling, so I sat back to view this special. And let me tell you: this special changed my life forever- it was that amazing. To this day, I still kick myself for not getting myself into the Dr. Blowhole fad sooner.
As time went on, I became addicted to Dr. Blowhole. I became so addicted to his image, that I always wished that he would be the villain in other movies that had a much-relatable premise as the Penguins. However, this addiction worked against me, because little to no one in my high school didn't talk about Dr. Blowhole or even acknowledged him as something. (That was one of the reasons why Dr. Blowhole was in my Top 10 Most Underrated Villains list.) If only there was a sequel that would cure me if this awkward-social punishment...

(The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Blowhole)
There we go!
Near September 2011, Nickelodeon announced that the first-ever Penguins of Madagascar TV movie The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Blowhole (or as Nickelodeon called it: "Blowhole Strikes Back") would premiere on September 9, 2011.

The trailer, just like the one for Dr. Blowhole's Revenge, was really impressive. In fact, this trailer was more fascinating than the first. It had Dr. Blowhole (obviously),


some jokes here and there,

and the gist of what the plot would be.

I remember pestering my grandmother to Autotune the movie for me (we have DirectTV); and I remember rushing home from school to catch the premiere. On the first sit-through, I was both excited and nervous, because I was getting to see Dr. Blowhole again- it was like a Dr. Blowhole fan's dream come true. After the first viewing, I remember trying to look for it again on TV and online, so that I could get my Dr. Blowhole fix. I remember my fix being ultimately cured when I bought the Operation: Blowhole DVD sometime in January 2012. That was how addicted I became.
So I was content with the first two installments of Dr. Blowhole, until I began wondering: Will he ever come back? True, he was (SPOILER ALERT) wiped clean of his memories in the second installment; but I had a gut feeling that his memories would be stored sooner or later. And that proved to be true in The Penguin Who Loved Me.

However, it wasn't what I had expected. The third installment had Dr. Blowhole in it, but he wasn't his legit self until the last ten minutes of the special.
-That's pretty bad.
To make matters worse, the writers foolishly had a platypus character as the legit villain, when the opening title sequence made it perfectly clear that Dr. Blowhole was to be the main villain.

-That's pretty bad also.
What's even more worse, is that the relationship between Kowalski and Doris (SPOILER ALERT: Dr. Blowhole's sister) isn't all that interesting.

It's like watching an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond if it only focused on Ray and Debra and not the rest of the family.
Gee. What would be even more worse than all that? This show had the audacity to rip off Perry the Platypus's abilities. Like I said on my review for this special, I criticized Parker the Platypus of being too similar to Perry the Platypus.

Just ditch the fedora hat and change the skin color... and you get fuckin' Perry the Platypus! I mean, tell me if this sounds familiar:
a platypus that can fight and go on secret missions, while working for somebody top secret...
(Perry the Platypus)
I guess this was the show's way of saying to Disney: Yeah, we've lost the Kids' Choice Awards, because y'all were in the competition along with Spongebob Squarepants. You think you can try to stick it to us? Well, this is what we think of your Perry the Platypus! It's weird how Disney didn't sue DreamWorks for this yet.
I'm guessing you want to know what's worse than that?
Okay. What's worse is... THE SPECIAL NEVER AIRED IN THE U.S. What the hell?! The Penguin Who Loved Me special aired only in different countries, instead of in the U.S. And boy, were Dr. Blowhole fans outraged, because we had to do some digging on the Internet to find it on Google or Youtube!
-That was disappointing.
I'm not sure if there was a dispute between a cable/satellite provider and Nickelodeon or not, but that still was no excuse to give us this disappointment... Well, even if this special did air in the U.S., it would still deprive Dr. Blowhole of his own role.

Now that I went through my experiences with all three of the Dr. Blowhole stories, we can all tell that we're now faced with a new dilemma: whether or not Dr. Blowhole will return. That's a legitimate question, because:

1. Skipper tells Private that they may see Dr. Blowhole again... that is, until he rebuilds his base; and then the special ends with Dr. Blowhole, alive and well, on a raft board with Parker

2. Dr. Blowhole has his memories back, and still wants to get back at the Penguins... but has to deal with Parker at the end
The dilemma is also legit, because I keep hearing that there's going to be a Penguins of Madagascar movie coming out on March 2015. As of now, no one knows what the story will be about, and no one knows who the villain is going to be. Right now, I'm crossing my fingers, because I'm hoping that Dr. Blowhole will be the villain. Why?:
1. This would be a great opportunity to give us the real backstory of Dr. Blowhole on why he became evil in the first place

(In Dr. Blowhole's Revenge, Dr. Blowhole himself mentions his past as a performing dolphin who was humiliated by the humans, but that was only through exposition with no visuals, other than what was happening right there and then (in explaining his Ring of Fire device)).
2. Dr. Blowhole fans (like me) want to see him make a comeback, after the lousy attempt in The Penguin Who Loved Me.
And that reminds me: later on, this year, when I find out the premise of the Penguins of Madagascar movie and see the trailer for it, I will do an editorial on it- whether it's good or bad.
-I'm hoping for some good news.

So back to my big question: WHY SHOULD DR. BLOWHOLE MAKE A COMEBACK?

Dr. Blowhole really needs a comeback, hands down. There has to be another shot for him. He's amazing;

he's pretty bad-ass;

he has the right toys;

and he takes his role seriously, than simply running around like a psycho that's hell-bent to take over the world

(well, he did at some point, but has composure).

So that was my editorial. Hoped you enjoyed it.
Plus, for those of you that haven't heard or figured out, Mystery Review #1 is my review on Barney's Great Adventure.

Whatsoever Critic
Penguins of Madagascar
Phineas and Ferb

Courtesy: DreamWorks Animation and Disney.