Tuesday, January 15, 2019

LarryBoy Fanatic Channel STILL DEMONETIZED

Hey guys! Whatsoever Critic here.

We're now coming to nearly a year since we had made the announcement that the LarryBoy Fanatic Channel was getting demonetized on YouTube, because we didn't meet the new requirements of having 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 minutes of watch time.
It's been nearly a year, and currently we have 327 subscribers, and over 1,000 minutes of watch time. It may not seem like much progress, but with school last year and other personal stuff, we weren't able to make a lot of videos.

But this year, LarryBoy Fanatic and I made a promise to come up with more content. In this way, we can grow our audience and our channel, so that hopefully we can have our monetization put back. We even went as far as having LarryBoy Fanatic reviewing stuff that's non-LarryBoy related. Yeah! Her reviewing stuff that's not related to LarryBoy or Veggietales. The reason being is that we want to welcome more subscribers to the channel, and to let everyone know that we're much more than a channel that talks about LarryBoy and Veggietales. We want to show YouTube that we're worthy of being monetized, and that we're worthy of having a lot of subscribers.

Here are a few ways that you can help:
1. If you watch our videos just for LarryBoy and Veggietales, then please subscribe.
2. If you watch our videos just for entertainment, then please subscribe.
3. If you watch our videos just to see where we're taking the channel--if you're curious about the stuff that's to come--then please subscribe.

YouTube is a place where people can make it or break it. And we don't want to be the ones that break it. We're not perfect, and we get that. But please please please bear with us, as we come up with more content.

Whatsoever Critic

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