Sunday, August 11, 2013

"Lamb Chops Play Along: Lucky Dog" episode- TV show Review

Hi, I'm the Amateur Critic. I review just about anything.

I just finished seeing an episode of Lamb Chop’s Play Along on Youtube. What episode was it? The show was called “Lucky Dog,” starring Hush Puppy.

            I’d say that this was one of my favorite episodes of Lamb Chop. Hush Puppy is adorable in this episode. The story’s plot was solid, because the main character Hush Puppy is striving for something, but gets something better in the end.

            So let’s take a look.


Act 1:
The story starts with Shari going through junk mail, while Hush Puppy looks from his book (which is not titled, if you noticed). Hush Puppy is surprised that Shari is “throwing away free stuff,” but Shari points out why they aren’t free: because she “can’t afford it.”

            The two come across an ad about a cookie company looking for a new slogan, and they would offer a free bicycle for the best slogan written. Hush Puppy immediately calls himself “Captain Slogan,” and bragging that he’s great at things and all that.

Hush Puppy wants to enter the contest, but doesn’t know what a slogan is. Shari tells him that a slogan is what companies use to promote their products. But Hush Puppy is so eager to start writing so that he could get a free bike.
-Well, come on. Let the dog have his fun.


Act 2:
We see that Hush Puppy is hard at work to write the best slogan.
-It’s very obvious, because look at the crumbled-up paper scattered everywhere.

            Hush Puppy is having trouble writing a slogan. Lamb Chop comes in and asks what he’s doing. Hush Puppy explains that he’s trying to write a slogan, but is having trouble writing one. As he’s explaining, he rhymes word after word.
-So, writing slogans make you rhyme compulsively?

            Lamb Chop offers to help, but on the condition that Hush Puppy shares the bike that he wants to win.
-Sounds like a bad deal. Lamb Chop sounds so selfish right here.
-Besides, how did Lamb Chop hear about the slogan contest? I guess she read the show's script prior to filming... (IDK.)

But Hush Puppy agrees. Eventually, the two come up with a slogan together…
-No, that was Lamb Chop’s slogan, because she recited it without writing it down or reading it off a piece of paper. She’s a natural! But Hush Puppy will take all the credit, because he’s the one writing it down.


Act 3:
Some days later, Hush Puppy is looking through the mail with Shari. He is determined to find that bike in the mail.
-How is that possible? How can you find a bike in a small pile of junk mail?

            Shari doesn’t want Hush Puppy to get too excited, but Hush Puppy says that he isn’t… even though he bought so much biking gear at the last minute, and is waiting and waiting for the bike to be rolled in.
-He’s like a kid on Christmas morning.

            Shari comes across a postcard addressed to Hush Puppy. The two learn that Hush Puppy didn’t win the contest.
-Excerpt from letter: “…Sorry that you lost, but you can take heart in the fact that there thousands of losers like you…” Wow, that was harshness coming from a cookie company.

-Hush Puppy’s reaction to the loss is like the equivalent to finding out that someone just died.

            Shari feels sorry for Hush Puppy, and tries to make him feel better by reading him some of the junk mail. They come across another ad for a different slogan contest. Shari tells him not to try his luck anymore on slogan writing. But Hush Puppy isn’t worried about it, because he reveals that he wrote a letter for a soap company that’s offering a free pony for the best slogan. Hush Puppy tells the company that their contest is phony.
-If you listen to Hush Puppy recite his letter, you can tell that it rhymes. That letter sounds like a slogan itself!


            Now, for this episode of Lamb Chop’s Play Along, there were a few things that people can learn:
-Don’t fall for phony contests.
-Seeing the good in joining contests, and seeing the bad in losing.
-Seeing hope in the beginning, and disappointment after, but then acceptance at the end.
-Don’t make deals without knowing the consequences behind them.

            This episode was cute in many ways because of Hush Puppy. Plus, the plot was solid all the way through: we had the goal, the conflict, and the resolution. This episode wasn’t bad as is. I hope you get to check out the show on Youtube.

Amateur Critic
Source: Lamb Chop's Play Along

All rights go to Shari Lewis.


  1. I know we're going to get more lamb chop's play-along episodes on to youtube today!
