Saturday, March 9, 2019

GETTING SHAFTED! LarryBoy and the Bad Apple (PS2)- LarryBoy Fanatic

---EPISODE 58---

We're back with LarryBoy and the Bad Apple (PS2); and this time, we enter the Mayor's temptation of being in a mansion/mining facility... What did we get ourselves into?!

TWITTER: @vygonza1

LarryBoy Fanatic

Friday, March 8, 2019

CHOCOLATE ROOM REDUX! LarryBoy and the Bad Apple PS2- LarryBoy Fanatic

---EPISODE 57---

Today we play more of LarryBoy and the Bad Apple (PS2). I'm trying to collect all the music notes in the first level. But then, we run into trouble...

TWITTER: @vygonza1

LarryBoy Fanatic

Thursday, March 7, 2019

LarryBoy in Tip, Top Cape Shape- LarryBoy Fanatic

---EPISODE 56---

Today we look at another LarryBoy book. But this one takes the cake for being the best-looking, best thought-out piece of LarryBoy literature!

TWITTER: @vygonza1

LarryBoy Fanatic

Monday, March 4, 2019

Marvel’s Contest of Champions LET’S PLAY 1- LarryBoy Fanatic

Today we play Marvel's Contest of Champions! Sorry if I ramble during this Let's Play.

***Also, I apologize if there's no audio from the game itself. iMovie wasn't cooperating today.***

TWITTER: @vygonza1

LarryBoy Fanatic