Wednesday, August 2, 2017

LarryBoy Fanatic CHANNEL UPDATE- Re-numbering Episodes

Hey guys! This is Whatsoever Critic.

We recently went through some of our videos, and I had to delete some videos. But don't worry: the deleted videos weren't reviews or anything, just stuff that didn't get a lot of views like the LarryBoy Fanatic at the Movies series that we tried to do. 

So LarryBoy Fanatic had the fun task of re-numbering the episodes of her web series. However, she didn't want to do the same here on the blog, because she's busy with making more videos. So, I'll number the episodes here on this blog post, so that there's no confusion. Plus, we'll probably mention it in the next video (maybe):

1. LarryCave Scene SCENE ANALYSIS- LarryBoy and the Rumor Weed
2. Junior Hologram CONFIRMED!!!- LarryBoy Fanatic
3. Top 5 LarryBoy VHS/DVD Box Covers
4. VeggieTales in the House DVD Release- LarryBoy Fanatic
5. LarryBoy Comic Books?!- LarryBoy Fanatic
6. LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space Review- LarryBoy Fanatic
7. Top 9 LarryBoy Book Series Cover Art- LarryBoy Fanatic
8. Top 7 LarryBoy Episodes- "VeggieTales in the House"- LarryBoy Fanatic
9. LarryBoy and the Rumor Weed Review- LarryBoy Fanatic
10. LarryBoy and the Angry Eyebrows Review- LarryBoy Fanatic
11. LarryBoy in Leggo My Ego feat. Whatsoever Critic- LarryBoy Fanatic
12. LarryBoy and the Yodelnapper Review- LarryBoy Fanatic
13. LarryBoy in the Good, the Bad, and the Eggly feat. Whatsoever Critic
14. Top 8 HARDCORE LarryBoy Moments- LarryBoy Fanatic
15. Bibleman: The Six Lies of the Fibbler- LarryBoy Fanatic
16. Bibleman: Silencing the Gossip Queen- LarryBoy Fanatic
17. What Do Temptation and Chocolate Mean?- LarryBoy Fanatic
18. BIBLEMAN ANIMATED SERIES: Trailer Analysis- LarryBoy Fanatic
19. LarryBoy and the Bad Apple Review- LarryBoy Fanatic (PARTS 1 & 2)
20. TOP 5 ALMOST Good Ideas from LarryBoy 2D- LarryBoy Fanatic
21. NBC v. Veggietales- LarryBoy Fanatic (Storytime)
22. Top 5 Movie Ideas for LarryBoy- LarryBoy Fanatic
23. Veggietales in the House Season 4 CONFIRMED- LarryBoy Fanatic
24. 2nd Veggietales in the House DVD Release- LarryBoy Fanatic
25. Top 10 Facts: "Rock on, LarryBoy" Music Video- LarryBoy Fanatic
26. LarryBoy Purgatory (PARTS 1 & 2)- LarryBoy Fanatic
27. LarryBoy v. Milk Money Bandit SCENE ANALYSIS- LarryBoy Fanatic
28. LarryBoy Costume: RETRO v. UPDATE- LarryBoy Fanatic
29. LarryBoy and the Emperor of Envy Book- LarryBoy Fanatic
30. Top 10 Facts: the LarryMobile (LarryBoy's Car)- LarryBoy Fanatic
31. Top 10 Facts about Motato- LarryBoy Fanatic (200 SUBS Special)
32. Top 7 Facts: Archibald/Alfred Asparagus- LarryBoy Fanatic
33. LarryBoy and the Awful Ear Wacks Attack- LarryBoy Fanatic
34. LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space BOOK?!- LarryBoy Fanatic
35. LarryBoy and the Sinister Snow Day- LarryBoy Fanatic
36. LarryBoy and the Yodelnapper BOOK- LarryBoy Fanatic

This was just an update on the LarryBoy Fanatic channel; there's nothing to worry about. We're still making videos, and LarryBoy Fanatic is excited to do more reviews, editorials, etc. Check out her latest Twitter poll on LarryBoy villains if you haven't yet.

Whatsoever Critic

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Twitter Poll: LARRYBOY VILLAIN EDITION!- LarryBoy Fanatic

Today I have another Twitter poll for you guys. This time... you get to choose which LarryBoy villain gets the Top 10 video treatment. Voting ends on August 8, 2017.


TWITTER: @vygonza1

LarryBoy Fanatic

Monday, July 17, 2017

"LarryBoy and the Yodelnapper" BOOK- LarryBoy Fanatic

---EPISODE 44---

Today we look at the book adaptation of the Yodelnapper episode of the LarryBoy Cartoon Adventures series. Is it good or bad? Is it a devout adaptation or no? Find out here!

TWITTER: @vygonza1

LarryBoy Fanatic

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

"LarryBoy and the Sinister Snow Day"- LarryBoy Fanatic

---EPISODE 43---

Today it's BOOK 3 of the LarryBoy book series. Why is there a snow-based villain? Why are there kids involved in this scenario? And why does LarryBoy get a backseat to this story? Sound familiar? (HINT: the VeggieTales "Avengers" parody) Find out here!

BTW Happy 4th of July!

TWITTER: @vygonza1

LarryBoy Fanatic