Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Introductory Post

Hi, I'm the Amateur Critic. I review just about anything.

This is my introductory post for this blog. Well, I've tried doing some other blogs, but I'm highly sure that I'll keep up with this one and never give up on it.
As a writer, my specialty is fiction. (Memoirs come later.) However, I've also wanted to write reviews for movies, books, places, and... whatever else is worth commenting on. And if you have any suggestions on a certain movie, book, or whatever... feel free to comment that in this blog. If not, then I'll write a list of stuff to review on and go from there.
I may not be a professional writer or critic, but opinion is opinion. Everybody's got it, especially on the social media.
But here are some ground rules:
-Nothing explicit
-Nothing controversial
-Be fair
-Be clean
-Be courteous
-Have fun!