LarryBoy Fanatic and I have been working on a bunch of projects lately; and we decided to add a new segment called "DVD Screenings," which is a segment where we sit and watch a DVD, while taking notes on it; and then we have a discussion at the end of the viewing. Think of this as a cross between Nostalgia Critic's "First Viewing" videos and The Cinema Snob's "Midnight Screenings" videos. We've always wanted to do something like this; we'll especially do this with the LarryBoy episodes of Veggietales in the House and Veggietales in the City in the future.
"DVD Screenings" will be featured on the Whatsoever Critic blog, and LarryBoy Fanatic will notify everyone in future videos when the next "DVD Screenings" will be on site. However, after I put up a "DVD Screenings" segment, we'll turn the DVD viewing into either a LarryBoy Fanatic video or a Whatsoever Critic video, depending on the movie.
Today, we viewed the Sesame Street DVD Count on Elmo, which people may know as "the Count Tribute" to Jerry Nelson who passed away back in 2012. The DVD in question came out in 2015. However, the difference between the DVD and what actually aired on PBS is that supposedly, the DVD has a plot, which is supposed to explain how Count von Count was chosen to get a prestigious award.
Mind you, all this was new to LarryBoy Fanatic. She never really got into liking the Count from Sesame Street until she got into it this past February for reasons unknown. (Well, to be fair, she DID SAY in the LarryBoy and the Bad Apple review that she liked other things besides LarryBoy.)
So this was how our night went down. We'll jot down some notes and our reactions to some of the scenes, and then we'll have our discussion:
(looking at DVD menu)
LarryBoy Fanatic: Really? That's their main menu?
Whatsoever Critic: It's the same as the box cover. Look! Same pose. Same background.
(title card)
LBF and WC: Wow.
WC: I'd say that the font here is more marketable than what was on the box. You managed to put more effort here than y'all did on the box.
(seeing the characters for the first time)
LBF: Establishing characters.
(Grover talks about the email about a counting contest)
WC: Is this email legitimate?
LBF: And why would Grover of all people get this email?
(the Count von Count montage)
LBF: That's cool. A little montage.
(cape transition back to the story)
LBF and WC: Whoa!
LBF: Awkward transition!
(the characters planning to submit a video to the contest)
WC: So obviously, they want to enter the Count into the counting contest, BUT what still bugs me is we don't know who sent that email, and we don't know if it's legit or not.
LBF: Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
(Number skits)
LBF: Okay.
WC: What is it?
LBF: I want to get back to the story. I just want to see if the Count gets into the contest. That's my main concern. I mean, any kid would be like "Yeah, sure. Thanks for showing us a number. Where's Elmo? Where's Count? Can we get back to THEM now?"
(the Count counting chickens)
WC: Heh heh. Hi, Matt Vogel.
LBF: Why do you say that?
WC: 'Cuz that's Matt Vogel playing the Count.
LBF: Oh.
WC: Do you notice the difference?
LBF: Now that you pointed that out, yeah.
WC: Yeah, you got that right, box cover. He does count chickens.
LBF: What? Where does it say that?
WC: Here's the box.
(LBF looks at box cover)
LBF: Well, this box doesn't do this DVD justice. There are no screenshots other than to just point out specifics, but even those don't have much significance.
WC: You're right. I can't even fathom. Whoever designed the box cover... this was Prototype 1. How about a more detailed design? NO! Sell the DVD anyway. If I was in that meeting where we got to choose the design for the box cover, I would've demanded more effort put into it.
LBF: Yeah, like back-to-the-drawing-board.
(the creepy fish segment of the number 8)
LBF: I have no words.
WC: Why was this a thing?
LBF: For the number 8, y'all should've played the clip of Count von Count singing about the number 8. I mean, sure, two seconds of it was in the clip show at the beginning of this thing, but at least it's WAY BETTER than what we're seeing here! I mean, come on!
LBF: So far the plot is simple. Try to get someone into a contest without them knowing.
WC: But when are they gonna succeed? So far, it's just hijinks.
(counting flying socks)
LBF: Wow.
WC: I don't know if the contest will allow special effects in the video.
LBF: I don't know. What were the guidelines to the contest again?
WC: Well, they have until the end of the day to submit their entry...
LBF: And?
WC: And that's pretty much it.
LBF: But what about the things that would disqualify them?
(the characters realize that the phone was recording)
WC: Well, it doesn't really matter. They finally got their video.
(the Count announces that he's leaving)
LBF: Why does he have to go?!
WC: A counting emergency.
LBF: Yeah, but screw it! You won an award! That's more important than counting pizzas out of town.
WC: Okay. If someone was dying and you needed to go see them, then THAT'S an emergency. But you're right. Counting pizzas can definitely wait.
LBF: By the way, did you see his bag with the bat prints? That's awesome! I need to get one of those!
(Prize committee insists on seeing the Count)
WC: I would punch these prize committee people in the face for being such snobs.
LBF: Don't get me wrong. They have to give the prize to the right person, but even with awards such as the Oscars, the Grammys, the Emmys... sometimes people are allowed to accept other people's awards on their behalf, if they're presenting it!
WC: They should leave the award with the community. Let Sesame Street accept the award.
LBF: There are so many ways around this! This is actual screenwriting that we're listening to!
WC: What's keeping the Count from getting his butt over here?
LBF: His plane got delayed.
WC: Oh. That old story. WHY?!
LBF: That's it. That's what it is. They're trying to pad this out. How long is this thing?
(WC looks at box cover)
WC: I'm trying to calculate all this, because this box says 2 hours. But we put this on 40 minutes ago. So I'm thinking this is supposed to be 50 minutes long, not including the bonus features.
(Prize committee points out that Elmo isn't the Count, because he didn't do the signature laugh WITH the thunder and lightning)
LBF: Unbelievable!
WC: Y'all have never met the Count. Y'all never spoke to him. Y'all only have the video that was submitted into the contest. Talk about trendies! These are the worst ones!
LBF: Yeah, and how would they know about the thunder and lightning that comes after the Count laughs? Anyone could've easily pointed out that that was pure coincidence. Just be like "What thunder and lightning? That happened out of nowhere. I don't know what you're talking about." It's like AGAIN... there are so many ways around this!
(The Count appears, coming from above)
LBF: Too late. Show's over.
(both girls laugh)
WC: Wow. That was amazing.
LBF: You know, I can think of some jokes to go along with what we just saw.
WC: Really?
LBF: (giggling) Yeah.
(the "Count on Elmo" song)
LBF: I feel like something's still missing here.
WC: What's that?
LBF: I'll tell you when this is over.
(End credits- The Number Stomp song)
WC: And that's the end of it.
LBF: Come on! I don't wanna see the credits. I wanna see them dance!
WC: This still would've been a tribute to Jerry Nelson, but this DVD felt like it wanted to separate itself from that.
LBF: Yeah, and to see this DVD do that, it's unreal. And that's what I wanted to bring up.
WC: Yeah, sure. Go ahead.
LBF: The part that WASN'T in the DVD was when the Count sent the text that he didn't care about the award, that he only cared about his friends. That's what this DVD left out, but it was in the PBS version, because they were remembering Jerry Nelson.
WC: That's sad.
LBF: Yeah, and that would've helped show how great a person the Count is. Because he's humble, and he's a really good friend.
WC: But instead of showing that part, you're pretty much saying that all of this--what Elmo and his friends did for the Count--was in vain. Because all of this felt like a scam. The prize committee were shady. They didn't give them the award. And all they got from Sesame Street was a video of the Count. For all we know, this was a scheme to try and exploit the Count. All they wanted to see was if whether or not vampires were real!
LBF: Wow. Are you a conspiracy theorist all of a sudden?
WC: No, but it's just a theory. I'm upset that they didn't give the Count the recognition that he deserved. The whole contest was bogus.
LBF: I'm wondering who else entered the contest.
WC: There was a Chinese calculator from Belgium.
LBF: Yeah, but does that even qualify as a contestant?
WC: Well, like I said, the guidelines showed us a deadline, which was at the end of the day.
LBF: Nothing about who or WHAT was eligible?
WC: Nope. The guidelines just suck.

WC: I can't tell you how mad I was at some of this, especially since this was supposed to be a tribute to one of the greatest puppeteers that ever lived. I grew up with Sesame Street. I grew up with Jerry Nelson playing the Count. And to see them do a PBS special on him and his character, and then release a DVD a few years later... and NOT really make that distinction...
LBF: Well, say what you want about this DVD, but can we both agree to not put this in a box?
WC: What do you mean?
LBF: Like not say that it's good, and not say that it's bad.
WC: You mean like it's on the fence?
LBF: Yeah.
WC: I guess.
Final note:
That was how it went down. I wasn't too crazy about it, but LarryBoy Fanatic is sympathetic towards it, and that's fine. We may do a crossover review on this DVD. Soon, but NOT near Halloween time unfortunately, because LarryBoy Fanatic is still trying to finish her review on The League of Incredible Vegetables, even though that's been pushed back for over a year now, and she just wants to get it done.
So next time, we'll do a "DVD Screening" of Sesame Street: Trick or Treat on Sesame Street. We're so excited to view that DVD, because it just came out. A week ago, we saw the trailer to it on YouTube, and... we had mixed reviews. Because CGI backgrounds and being in front of a green screen... I don't know. Don't let first impressions get to you. Maybe something good will come out of this. So, we'll be doing a "DVD Screening" of that, and also on Elmo Says Boo!, because LarryBoy Fanatic was interested in that one too.
This was Whatsoever Critic, and I review just about anything.
Whatsoever Critic
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