Sunday, September 6, 2015

Veggietales In The House: Season 1, Ep. 13- "Junior Jetpack" (LarryBoy Episode)

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

Finally, I have the nerve to review another LarryBoy episode from Veggietales In The House.

This one was,,, pretty awkward to watch. Should I be offended, because LarryBoy wasn't technically the hero again? Should I be amazed that more thought was put into the villain? How should I feel about this one? Well, let's find out.


The episode opens with Ichabeezer finding that his dog Rooney is missing.
-It's not surprising to see a LarryBoy episode open with a scene with Ichabeezer.

Anyway, LarryBoy is called in on the case.
Ichabeezer: "He's been gone since last night!"
-Dude. You've only found out he was missing just now.
Well, LarryBoy agrees to help him, but-

Junior: "Allow me, Junior Jetpack, to help!"
-Oh no! It's The League of Incredible Vegetables all over again! 


Burn all the Ricochet action figures!
-Plus, who gives a shit, kid? Go home.
-We're only a minute into this episode, and already we're seeing a repeat of what made The League of Incredible Vegetables suck!

LarryBoy: "Junior, please stop following me. You're not a real crimefighter."
-See? Even LarryBoy himself isn't wanting to put up with being second-fiddle to Junior Asparagus again. Even he knows that Junior isn't superhero material! That's right, LarryBoy, you tell him!!!
LarryBoy shows that he's not interested. Ichabeezer begs him to take Junior along, of which LarryBoy reluctantly complies.

-By the way, Junior being inside the trash bin is symbolic to me, 'cuz that's what The League of Incredible Vegetables should've done to the idea of Junior being the main hero! It's complete trash!!!

Down the road, LarryBoy and Junior Jetpack...
-Ugh. the name "Junior Jetpack" means nothing to me. So LarryBoy and Junior...
...see Motato's minions with Rooney. This, of course, leads to a brief car chase scene...

-Uh. Feel free to ditch Junior anytime, LarryBoy.
...where Junior uses his jetpack to save Rooney.
-The sad thing about this is that it actually works. : (

Back at Ichabeezer's:

So they return Rooney to Ichabeezer, where Junior explains the whole ordeal with exaggerations. (Blow me.)
Ichabeezer: "Wow, sounds like you make quite a team!"
-Screw you, Ichabeezer! The League of Incredible Vegetables was already bad enough!
LarryBoy: "That's a stretch. His jetpack busted, and I had to save him."
-Thank you. Honesty- good call.
-You might be thinking that I'm encouraging LarryBoy to put people down... but what the hell is he putting down? This is set up as another repeat of The League of Incredible Vegetables, where LarryBoy is downgraded, while Junior is made the main hero. That's not fair. What's going here is.
So we get back to the plot by them questioning why Motato would target his dog, and LarryBoy gets back on the case, leaving Junior to question what's going on.

Ichabeezer: "Like the Good Book says, 'Don't let anybody think less of you, because you are young.'"
-Really? Blame LarryBoy for being a douche? Well, where's the chapter that says 

not to yell at people? Where's the chapter that says 

to thank people for helping you, even if it wasn't necessary? Where's the chapter that says 

not to bitch at people to "get off [your] lawn"?!
-And yes, LarryBoy was right. This is him trying to make things right, when it comes to listening to his fanbase, but the dickhead writers won't let him. There's no need for a repeat of The League of Incredible Vegetables!
Junior: "I just wished it actually worked."
-Well, good luck trying to fix The League of Incredible Vegetables, 'cuz there's no way in hell you can go back to 2012 and do it over.
Junior decides to give up...
-Well, good. Maybe the plot would do better without him.

At home:

Meanwhile, at home, Larry gripes about Junior following him whenever he's LarryBoy. But then Bob shows him a little morale... through song.

Bob (singing): "God is our full potential."
-Uh, "is" or "gives" our full potential?
-Plus, I know this is supposed to be the moral of the story, but this song is too vague and too short to be memorable.

Larry: "I almost got this!" (while juggling)
-Even Larry seems uninterested. That's how vague this story is!


Meanwhile, Rooney... who's now a robo-dog(?)... steals Ichabeezer's stuff and monster truck; and LarryBoy is called in to save the day.

LarryBoy: "A slobbery robbery? I'm on it!"
-Clever pun.

So LarryBoy tracks down the monster truck, rescues Rooney, and... leaves the truck there, while Motato's minions take it...?

-Uh, how about returning the stuff to Ichabeezer after securing the dog? (sarcasm) Good work, writers...


LarryBoy reports to Ichabeezer that he has his dog, but Rooney attacks LarryBoy.

Junior: "I think Motato did something to Rooney."
-That's a good observation, but what about LarryBoy?
Ichabeezer: "Perhaps we should conduct our own investigation
-That's a good plan, but what about LarryBoy? (By the way, LarryBoy is tied up.)

So it's revealed that Motato was, in fact, behind the mischief with the dog all along, and he plans to destroy LarryBoy's hideout; and the real Rooney was captured all this time.

-Okay, obviously someone's been stealing Dr. Blowhole's technology again...

Luckily, Bob is there to untie LarryBoy, and they both capture the robo-dog. 

However, they learn that they've been locked inside the LarryCave, without any chance of escape.
LarryBoy: "Why didn't I listen to Junior?"
-Because this episode's script was written by monkeys... dimwits... jerk-offs!!!

Motato's lair:

Meanwhile, Junior and Ichabeezer somehow sneak into the villain's lair by sneaking aboard the stolen mosnter truck. Motato tells his minions to find LarryBoy's lair, destroy it, and capture the hero.

-By the way, Motato is surprisingly good in this episode. I mean, he actually had a good plan this time. That's a plan worthy of Dr. Blowhole standards! Now if the whole episode was that serious about itself, then there would be no point of reviewing this. Yeah, instead of obnoxious acting, a bullshit backstory (him and birthdays), and shit songs (about stealing birthdays), we see a villain that's trying to be appealing to us. At least, he's trying in this episode.
Anyway, Ichabeezer and Junior try to come up with a plan. 

And of course, Ichabeezer... for some reason... has a jetpack costume for Junior to wear to be superhero material...
-That was way too convenient for the plot.
Ichabeezer: "You got heart, kid. You're smart. You're brave. Junior Jetpack is ready for prime time!"
-Audience, what you just witnessed is the LarryBoy franchise getting butt-fucked BIG TIME. It's like the show is trying its best to piss off the most-devout of LarryBoy fans. It's just not right! Right now, I'm insulted!!!

Then we see Motato get a doozy from Junior Jetpack...
-Screw Junior's superhero name.

LarryBoy: "This town has two heroes as of now!"
-How much you want to bet that someone, like one of the producers, was holding a gun to LarryBoy's head to make him say that line? That's how bad this all is.
Ichabeezer: "Two heroes, and one old man!"

-By the way, the physical fights between Motato and Junior, 

and Motato and Ichabeezer,.. FINALLY you're acting like a true villain, Motato!
Eventually, Junior frees Rooney from a steel cage; Motato gets his ass bitten by Rooney (LOL); and Junior traps Motato in the steel cage.
While minions try to break into the LarryCave... by making their car a battering ram...
-I don't know.
...Junior finds the remote control to the robo-dog, and they unlock the LarryCave. And then the robo-dog attacks the minions near their car.

LarryBoy: "Junior Jetpack saved the day!"
-Again, someone probably has a gun pointed at him to get him to say that line...

So Motato is finally... I mean, FINALLY,,, arrested...

-He wasn't arrested in his first two appearances...
...and the episode ends with this...

LarryBoy: "You can fight by my side at any day, Junior Jetpack!"
-Let's hope not.

And that was the episode "Junior Jetpack" from Veggietales In The House. So, that was... I don't know what to think.
It wasn't all that great, because Junior was the hero again in yet another LarryBoy story... as if The League of Incredible Vegetables wasn't enough for him to steal the friggin' spotlight from LarryBoy. Even the story itself couldn't accommodate for the fact that it already has LarryBoy as the main hero. It's like: Hey! You already have a superhero! Use him already! And I thought this was an insult to LarryBoy fans, next to League of Incredible Vegetables.
But aside from that, if there was anything in value that came out of this was... at least Motato was trying in this episode. I mean, this was like the hardest that Motato has tried to be a decent villain. He was physical; he was more ambitious than last time; and he had a decent villain plan.
Well, for what it is, this episode felt like a repeat of what made League of Incredible Vegetables suck; and I can assure you- LarryBoy doesn't deserve this. He deserves better credit and better story.

Whatsoever Critic
Veggietales In The House
The League of Incredible Vegetables

Courtesy: Big Idea/DreamWorks

1 comment:

  1. Esta BIEN que junior sea el nuevo héroe por que luego Larry no podrá seguir y no habrá quien salve el mundo, QUE NAZCAN MAS PEQUEÑOS HEROES
