Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"Divergent" Book Review

Hi, I'm the Whatsoever Critic. I review just about anything.

I've just finished reading Veronica Roth's novel Divergent, which had spawned a movie, which I'm not sure how many people saw it. Anyway, what do I think about the book? Well, for those of you that haven't read the book or saw the movie, I'll give you the premise.

The story centers around a 16-year-old named Beatrice Prior, who has to take a test to see which "faction" or section she belongs in. She turns out to be Divergent, which is not good, because that would spawn a rebellion in a post-apocalyptic utopia that Earth is trying to do. So she chooses a faction (I'm not telling you which one, because one, it's friggin' obvious what she chooses because of the movie and its promotions; and two, I don't want to spoil it for those of you who didn't read the book), and she makes friends and enemies during the initiation process. Sooner or later she realizes what her purpose is and causes her to rebel against this wannabe utopia of theirs.

And that's all I'm saying about the premise.

So, what do I think of the book? Well, it's not as great as I had expected it to be. 

When I read this book, I was expecting more action and adventure. I mean, I was whisked into reading this, because of the promise of adventure. And that promise came from its tagline: One choice can transform you. But no. This had to be about people judging and people degrading each other. I'm sorry, but if this was supposed to be an action-packed story, then I expect to see some actions.

As for the socializing in this story, it's horrendous. I mean, boys fighting girls and beating them up? That's just wrong. People sexually harassing the main character? That's just evil.

At first, I was reading this book, so that I can see the movie. But as of now, I'm gonna shy away from the movie, because the story itself, I don't think, is film-worthy. I mean, who wants to see sadists be sadists, and then wait for the real action to begin?

As for the movie, it got mixed reviews. 

Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 41% rating, despite 77% of the audience liking it. The overall consensus for this movie was that "With an adherence to YA formula that undercuts its individualistic message, Divergent opens its planned trilogy in disappointingly predictable fashion." So, they're saying that this movie was trying to be the next Hunger Games string of movies, but missed the mark somewhere. Either way, this didn't hurt ticket sales, because this movie was promoted widely, from books to other merchandising. 

So, what am I to do, since I bought a copy of this book to try and get into this movie trend? I'll probably sell it. If you like the series and movie, good for you. But don't expect me to buy into this trend, because trends come and go.

Now, before I end this review, it's time for your next clue for my first Mystery Review. Here is your second clue:
It's an adventure. What kind of adventure? You'll find out.
Again, the second clue is that it's an adventure.
Stay tuned for the Mystery Review and for more reviews!

Whatsoever Critic

Divergent (both book and movie)
Rotten Tomatoes

Courtesy: Katherine Tegen Books, Summit Entertainment/Lionsgate, and Rotten Tomatoes.

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