Hi, I'm the Amateur Critic. I review just about anything.
Since I'm a die-hard fan of LarryBoy, and also so excited in bringing you the review of LarryBoy and the Bad Apple soon, I'd thought I dedicate this blog post to my favorite superhero.
Yes, it's another countdown. In fact, I'm starting to like countdowns; they're fun. So, let's not waste any time! This is the Top 5 Most-Viewed LarryBoy Reviews As of 10/26/13.
5. LarryBoy in the Good, the Bad, and the Eggly
I recently did a review on this; and I was surprised to see that this was already getting some views on the Internet.
As you can recall, I had criticized this episode more than the other ones in the LarryBoy: The Cartoon Adventures series. There were just so many flaws in this movie that it made LarryBoy look like a numbskull, which is rarely a good sign.
I really hated to see my favorite superhero get deprived from how great he was.
Anyway, personally, I don't care if it's clunky, and I don't care if it's that bad- it's still LarryBoy.
4. LarryBoy and the Yodelnapper
Behold! The yodeling-enthusiastic realm of... yodeling!
My God! This episode was weird. Unbelievably weird! (Especially with the first segment that's been coined in Amateur Critic history: The Awkward Face Moment.)
Speaking of coining things... This was the first time using my Nintendo DSi to illustrate what I'm saying or what I want to show you guys.
This review, despite its critical review, was fun to do. I enjoyed reviewing this movie, and I can't wait to use my Nintendo DSi again to make the goofy illustrations.
3. LarryBoy: Leggo My Ego
This movie was, by far, the mother of all clichés... in a LarryBoy movie involving bad people with enabling mothers. I remember criticizing the Alchemist for being a friggin' Momma's boy, and for LarryBoy being clueless to what's going on.
I compared this movie to Angry Eyebrows, because this felt like a Mad Libs game, where the writers and creators made up the story as they went.
However, the "game" wasn't as bad as Angry Eyebrows, which was okay, but still made no difference.
Despite the criticism, I still want to see this movie anytime.
2. LarryBoy and the Angry Eyebrows
You may recall, in the blog post before the LarryBoy in the Good, the Bad, and the Eggly Movie Review, that this movie took the #8 spot in the countdown.
This movie was the seed that planted the flaw-making and the weird stuff in LarryBoy. As I said before, it seems like the good stuff came to a halt in Rumor Weed, and all the bad stuff started in this movie.
Just like in Leggo My Ego, Angry Eyebrows used the "Mad Libs" technique to come up with most of the story.
The movie was weird and sloppy, but... well, you know... I'm still up for watching it.
The main reason why I still come back to the LarryBoy: The Cartoon Adventures series is because it helps me to appreciate Fib from Outer Space, Rumor Weed, and the Bad Apple episodes more.
1. LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space
This was my first LarryBoy review ever! I really enjoyed doing that review. In fact, I'm even surprised that this movie got more page views on this blog (so far) than Rumor Weed. Frankly, Fib from Outer Space was only the work-in-progress leading to Rumor Weed.
Anyway, this movie was great, but not too perfect.
The hero didn't get as much spotlight; the villain wasn't given a whole origin or backstory; and there were people overdramatizing the situation. But despite its critical value, this movie wasn't so bad for what it is.
Well, guys. That was our countdown! I hope we get to have another one soon!
Amateur Critic
LarryBoy: The Cartoon Adventures (the whole series)
LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space
All rights go to Big Idea Entertainment
Saturday, October 26, 2013
"LarryBoy in the Good, the Bad, and the Eggly" Movie Review
Hi, I'm the Amateur Critic. I review just about anything.
Now that we're near the end of reviewing all the LarryBoy Cartoon Adventures in Big Idea history, I'd thought I'd ask you all a question: Have you ever wanted to see both Awful Alvin and Greta von Gruesome in an episode together? No! Nobody does! But what are we to do?
Since 2000, LarryBoy has been 2-D animated because... well, you know, Big Idea wanted to try something different. With the 2-D animated series came an illustrated chapter book series based on the video series under the same name. The stories are well-developed, but I just remember that some of them were weird & childish.
Also, whether you like it or not, you'll come across good guy & bad guy clichés that are never strangers to both the book & video series. As reviewed previously, the video series were adaptations of only 2 of the books. The final example of this would be the half-assed & dumbass-humored LarryBoy in the Good, the Bad, and the Eggly.
Based on a book of the same name, this movie shows how 2 people can solve problems by using teamwork. But what really got on my nerves was that Big Idea somehow lost some of its ability to not upset kid audiences. There's bickering & threatening, & characters are sometimes delusional. Rule of thumb: don't let kids see adult content, which includes arguing, because that sets bad examples for kids. Now speaking of a movie adaptation from a book...
...like the LarryBoy and the Yodelnapper, episode, I'll compare this movie with the book.
Opening Scene:
Like the book, we start with LarryBoy on night patrol in his LarryPlane.
He tells Archie that he wants to ask Daily Bumble photographer Vicki out to the Founder's Day celebration, but is afraid to ask her. Suddenly, bacon comes flying at LarryBoy.
LarryBoy panics. He sees that the missing pigs from the old fairytales are out to get him.
-Good lord, these pigs are so cliched. Even one of the pigs is wearing an eye patch (the one-eyed terror, whoopee (sarcasm)...)
-In the book, the pigs were said to be stolen from a neighboring town, & turned into evil minions. In the movie, they don't specify where the pigs came from or what they are.
While LarryBoy is too busy panicking from the attack...
-Archie tells him to eject from the plane. (The book made this scene sound more chaotic than this.)
-What I find weird is that Archie is just watching LarryBoy panic. (LarryBoy: Oh s***! Aw, f***! I'm gonna crash! I'm gonna die! F***! Holy s***!)
(Archie: He's panicking. What am I supposed to do here? I'm confused.)
Villain Scene:
The scene now cuts to our main antagonists: Awful Alvin (the crazy one), Greta von Gruesome (the greedy one), & the third one Lampy the Lamp who is... well, the third one.
The 2 bad guys (excluding Lampy) have a short argument about who's plan it was to distract LarryBoy while they break into some laboratory.
-While having this conversation, Alvin focuses on... dancing. (Good lord, if the Angry Eyebrows episode wasn't bad enough...!)
-Greta: "I gave up telemarketing for this?" (That's a good question. But I got a question too: I put off reviewing LarryBoy and the Bad Apple to review this?)
Flight scene (cont'd.)
Now LarryBoy plans to stop the whole plane with his plunger ears by opening the cockpit door, although Archie tells him not to.
-This is a bit weird because just a moment ago Archie was telling him to eject from the plane to flee from the evil pigs.
-The movie totally skipped a part from the book. The book stated that the pigs tried to attack the Daily Bumble, & LarryBoy swoops in & takes their blows, which brings him to crash-land at the Bumblyburg Park. Here, they just skips that part completely. (I guess this movie was on a budget or something.)
Out of nowhere, another superhero shows up at the park & ends the fiasco with the pigs by using his gadgets & gizmos. This is Dark Crow (a guy with a Mexican accent, even Mexican plays when he's around).
-Great! A wanna-be Batman flies in & saves LarryBoy. Neat!
The 2 heroes find out that the pigs were used to distract them from Alvin & Greta's break-in at Bumblyburg's laboratory.
-Well, this was found out by Dark Crow, when Archie screams this in LarryBoy's ear for whatever reason. Wow, movie, you really got me there.
LarryBoy wants to help, but Dark Crow doesn't let him. (What a jerk!)
Laboratory scene:
Meanwhile in the laboratory, Alvin & Greta tie up the scientists
& try to break into the vault with a device called "The Lampy Laser."
Dark Crow drops by & tries to stop them; however, LarryBoy shows up & absent-mindedly gives the bad guys an advantage.
-Why? LarryBoy just HAD to plug the Lampy Laser back in... ALL BECAUSE IT WAS CONSIDERED A HAZARD?! Larry, you should've checked the plug to see what it's attached to before plugging it in!
LarryBoy: Hey! There's a plug that's on the floor. Someone might trip on it... What's that? It powers the bad guy's device? Oh well, I'm disconnecting it. No way I'm letting the bad guys do their misdeeds. Nope!
The bad guys eventually break into a vault & steal another machine, but not without the heroes landing into scientific goo that... I think that's stolen slime from Nickelodeon.
-Plus, Awful Alvin has another dance fetish, but Greta grabs him, & they escape. (Dang! Him talking about dancing made him have this crazy look in his eyes. What, was he high?!)
Laboratory Incident Aftermath:
The heroes rescue the scientists, and they learn that the bad guys stole a machine that can turn inanimate objects into over-easy eggs.
-LarryBoy becomes the annoying best friend stereotype in this scene, because he's asking a gazillion questions concerning what's inanimate & what wasn't. Even Dark Crow & the scientists were annoyed by this. (It's like dealing with a 5-year-old!)
Superhero class:
The next night, during Superhero class... well, I'll cut to the chase here...
Bok Choy is trying to teach that teamwork is much better than a person doing something on their own. But LarryBoy & Dark Crow are too busy trying to outwit each other with dumbass humor.
-This classroom scene reminds me of Tom & Jerry, but w/o the violence that's, for no apparent reason, supposed to be funny.
-So most of the audience at home or somewhere can go restock on snacks or talk to each other while this is going on because,... well, let's just say that the next couple of minutes is gonna be nothing but this. (We might as well have a semi-intermission: you know, Bok Choy can share his lesson, & then cut to intermission. Simple as that!)
Museum scene:
-By the way, this movie also skipped the part from the book where Larry is working; he comes across Vicki the photographer who's flirting at a picture of Dark Crow; and then he gets a call from Archie from his mop phone... whatever, saying that the museum is going to be ransacked. But hey, this movie doesn't care! They only want ratings...
The next day, the insane member of the "clichéd bad guy society" & the "most well-kept" bad guy show up at a museum to steal artifacts.
-Before we move forward, I just want to say that Greta von Gruesome, although she is shown to be super greedy...
...she's like the only decent bad guy in this series. Unlike the psychopathic style of Awful Alvin...
...she's just dead-serious about her role as a villain.
Anyways, Vicki, cub reporter Junior Asparagus, & the gruff newspaper editor stereotype Bob the Tomato get caught in the crosshairs as Awful Alvin... with yet ANOTHER creepy look in his eyes... ties up the three.
-How much crazier does this bad guy get?!
Somehow, Dark Crow pops out of one of the mummy exhibits, & he & Greta duke it out for a while.
The fight then comes to a halt when LarryBoy somehow manages to defy the laws of physics to get into the museum in his LarryMobile. This somehow gives Greta the upper-hand, & she beats Dark Crow.
-Now let's say next, Vicki, Bob, & Junior coincidentally get untied...
-...and Vicki coincidentally falls into LarryBoy's arms (which, by the way, he doesn't have arms)
Now is the perfect time to ask about Founder's Day? You be the judge!
-LarryBoy hesitates & then asks a totally different question to Vicki. (Sheesh! LarryBoy doesn't know how to talk to girls. In the book, he gets to spend more time with Vicki... but here, no matter what scene they have together, it's like "hurry up, get together,& then leave." What kind of love relationship is that?!)
-Dark Crow interrupts LarryBoy, & Larry gets upset. That's when the 2 start their bickering again. (By now, they should've set their differences aside & focus on bringing down the bad guys!)
The bad guys gain the upper-hand by zapping the heroes super suits into heaps of all-you-can-eat eggs.
And, to make matters worse (in one of the most cliché ways possible in villain history), the bad guys kidnap Vicki.
Museum Incident Aftermath:
After the villains escape with their hostage, LarryBoy and Dark Crow dress themselves in kid pajamas, which are supposed to be superhero costumes (?), and they return to the laboratory where the bad guys had stolen from earlier.
-Sure, even lab scientists can recognize these superheroes in their alternatives to super wear. Just how lenient are these people?!
Superhero: I'm here to learn about the intentions of a villain that's out to kill people.
Scientist: But, sir. You look a little... How should I put it?
Superhero: Oh, my outfit. You see, my super suit got damaged not too long ago, and all I had was some kid's pajamas. It's a long story how my suit got ruined...
Scientist: But still, you look really suspicious. I don't think you look like [Superhero name] at all.
Superhero: Uh... I'll give you candy.
Scientist: Okay, we'll let you into our facility, [Superhero name]. Sorry for the delay.
-Besides, what's with all the aftermaths? What, are these the most unlucky heroes in history? Okay, not LarryBoy- but Dark Crow. He's like the bad seed of this movie. Why did we have to put Dark Crow in this movie? Maybe the creators just wanted to add him to get more ratings.
So, the scientists show the heroes their Bunny Bot, which serves as a defense against the device that the bad guys have.
-Okay. This is what you're telling us about scientists everywhere: that they are girly.
YOU are making our scientists, and other scientists in the world, look like half-assed people!
The heroes, however, fight over who gets to drive the damn thing, resulting in an embarrassing exit.
Town scene:
We see Awful Alvin and Greta von Gruesome attack Bumblyburg with their egg machine. Finally, the villains see our heroes try to stop them with their Bunny Bot.
Do the heroes bring justice? No. They take this time to argue with each other some more, which gives the villains an obvious advantage. The villains zap the Daily Bumble Sign above the Bunny Bot, sending the whole thing down on our heroes.
-So much bickering! You know, I thought this movie was going to be great, because LarryBoy is partnering up with another superhero, but now... it just blows! It's like Batman being bitter towards Spiderman, or the Green Lantern arguing with Daredevil... It just blows!
Villains' Lair Scene:
We then cut to the obvious set of Awful Alvin's lair (which you may or may not be remember from Angry Eyebrows), where our two heroes and that chick from the Daily Bumble are tied up and hanging above a skillet.
The villains plan on frying the threesome into an omelet. All the villains have to do is press a button to send the trio into a... frying pan alternative to an inferno.
But, as you as imagine, the villains argue with each other on who gets to push the button.
-Guys, why not take both of your hands together and press the button together?
The heroes see the villains argue, and then they remember their teacher's lesson...
-Okay, wait. How is it that a person can remember a lesson from school when they've spent the whole time jacking off in class? It's like sleeping away in church, and then magically remembering what the preacher was talking about...
-I'm sorry, but this is like a running gag in this cartoon series! They're improbable and silly.
The heroes decide to swing back & forth to knock down the egg ray or whatever's trapping them.
-What I don't get is that while they're swinging back and forth, the heroes are both smiling as if life is good. How can you be smiling when you're so close to having a brush with death?
Eventually, the two heroes, along with Vicki, escape, and they have an epic battle with Awful Alvin and Greta.
-Uh, feel free to run for safety, Vicki...
Eventually, the two villains are defeated with LarryBoy and Dark Crow working together.
-But I gotta say that the villains get defeated by the lamest things.
1. Awful Alvin gets tangled up by cords from Dark Crow's attack.
2. LarryBoy literally closes the door on Greta with his made-shift plunger ear.
Yeah, pretty weak!
Laboratory scene 3:
Our heroes return the egg machine to the scientists...
-About friggin' time LarryBoy and Dark Crow are in their respective super suits...
LarryBoy finally asks Vicki out to the Founder's Day celebration. Then the story ends with Dark Crow wanting to be LarryBoy's wingman on the outing.
-And that's just it. The story just ends.
It's like the movie saying, That was it, kids. But hey, we still have our short film for you, which... you may or may not like... At least, we distracted you from your daily playing and stuff... You can stay for our short film, otherwise... just press the STOP button on your VCR.
Short film:
(I don't think so...)
I'm sorry, but this movie was so weird, that... I can't even bring myself to review the short film that it shows!
Well, that was the final episode of the LarryBoy Cartoon Adventures.
LarryBoy in the Good, the Bad, and the Eggly. You know, the next LarryBoy movie, The Bad Apple, will have more dignity than these silly cartoon episodes! The plot made little to no sense; the episode didn't seem like a legit LarryBoy story; and the characters are either morons or just psychotic!
Just pray to God that The Bad Apple is going to be the comeback of LarryBoy, because with the cartoon series, he's been shamefully misused. He's been through hell, now that we reviewed all 4 LarryBoy Cartoon Adventures episodes.
Amateur Critic
Source: LarryBoy in the Good, the Bad, and the Eggly
All rights go to Big Idea Entertainment
Now that we're near the end of reviewing all the LarryBoy Cartoon Adventures in Big Idea history, I'd thought I'd ask you all a question: Have you ever wanted to see both Awful Alvin and Greta von Gruesome in an episode together? No! Nobody does! But what are we to do?
Since 2000, LarryBoy has been 2-D animated because... well, you know, Big Idea wanted to try something different. With the 2-D animated series came an illustrated chapter book series based on the video series under the same name. The stories are well-developed, but I just remember that some of them were weird & childish.
Also, whether you like it or not, you'll come across good guy & bad guy clichés that are never strangers to both the book & video series. As reviewed previously, the video series were adaptations of only 2 of the books. The final example of this would be the half-assed & dumbass-humored LarryBoy in the Good, the Bad, and the Eggly.
Based on a book of the same name, this movie shows how 2 people can solve problems by using teamwork. But what really got on my nerves was that Big Idea somehow lost some of its ability to not upset kid audiences. There's bickering & threatening, & characters are sometimes delusional. Rule of thumb: don't let kids see adult content, which includes arguing, because that sets bad examples for kids. Now speaking of a movie adaptation from a book...
...like the LarryBoy and the Yodelnapper, episode, I'll compare this movie with the book.
Opening Scene:
Like the book, we start with LarryBoy on night patrol in his LarryPlane.
He tells Archie that he wants to ask Daily Bumble photographer Vicki out to the Founder's Day celebration, but is afraid to ask her. Suddenly, bacon comes flying at LarryBoy.
LarryBoy panics. He sees that the missing pigs from the old fairytales are out to get him.
-Good lord, these pigs are so cliched. Even one of the pigs is wearing an eye patch (the one-eyed terror, whoopee (sarcasm)...)
-In the book, the pigs were said to be stolen from a neighboring town, & turned into evil minions. In the movie, they don't specify where the pigs came from or what they are.
While LarryBoy is too busy panicking from the attack...
-Archie tells him to eject from the plane. (The book made this scene sound more chaotic than this.)
-What I find weird is that Archie is just watching LarryBoy panic. (LarryBoy: Oh s***! Aw, f***! I'm gonna crash! I'm gonna die! F***! Holy s***!)
(Archie: He's panicking. What am I supposed to do here? I'm confused.)
Villain Scene:
The scene now cuts to our main antagonists: Awful Alvin (the crazy one), Greta von Gruesome (the greedy one), & the third one Lampy the Lamp who is... well, the third one.
The 2 bad guys (excluding Lampy) have a short argument about who's plan it was to distract LarryBoy while they break into some laboratory.
-While having this conversation, Alvin focuses on... dancing. (Good lord, if the Angry Eyebrows episode wasn't bad enough...!)
-Greta: "I gave up telemarketing for this?" (That's a good question. But I got a question too: I put off reviewing LarryBoy and the Bad Apple to review this?)
Flight scene (cont'd.)
Now LarryBoy plans to stop the whole plane with his plunger ears by opening the cockpit door, although Archie tells him not to.
-This is a bit weird because just a moment ago Archie was telling him to eject from the plane to flee from the evil pigs.
-The movie totally skipped a part from the book. The book stated that the pigs tried to attack the Daily Bumble, & LarryBoy swoops in & takes their blows, which brings him to crash-land at the Bumblyburg Park. Here, they just skips that part completely. (I guess this movie was on a budget or something.)
Out of nowhere, another superhero shows up at the park & ends the fiasco with the pigs by using his gadgets & gizmos. This is Dark Crow (a guy with a Mexican accent, even Mexican plays when he's around).
-Great! A wanna-be Batman flies in & saves LarryBoy. Neat!
The 2 heroes find out that the pigs were used to distract them from Alvin & Greta's break-in at Bumblyburg's laboratory.
-Well, this was found out by Dark Crow, when Archie screams this in LarryBoy's ear for whatever reason. Wow, movie, you really got me there.
LarryBoy wants to help, but Dark Crow doesn't let him. (What a jerk!)
Laboratory scene:
Meanwhile in the laboratory, Alvin & Greta tie up the scientists
& try to break into the vault with a device called "The Lampy Laser."
Dark Crow drops by & tries to stop them; however, LarryBoy shows up & absent-mindedly gives the bad guys an advantage.
-Why? LarryBoy just HAD to plug the Lampy Laser back in... ALL BECAUSE IT WAS CONSIDERED A HAZARD?! Larry, you should've checked the plug to see what it's attached to before plugging it in!
LarryBoy: Hey! There's a plug that's on the floor. Someone might trip on it... What's that? It powers the bad guy's device? Oh well, I'm disconnecting it. No way I'm letting the bad guys do their misdeeds. Nope!
The bad guys eventually break into a vault & steal another machine, but not without the heroes landing into scientific goo that... I think that's stolen slime from Nickelodeon.
-Plus, Awful Alvin has another dance fetish, but Greta grabs him, & they escape. (Dang! Him talking about dancing made him have this crazy look in his eyes. What, was he high?!)
Laboratory Incident Aftermath:
The heroes rescue the scientists, and they learn that the bad guys stole a machine that can turn inanimate objects into over-easy eggs.
-LarryBoy becomes the annoying best friend stereotype in this scene, because he's asking a gazillion questions concerning what's inanimate & what wasn't. Even Dark Crow & the scientists were annoyed by this. (It's like dealing with a 5-year-old!)
Superhero class:
The next night, during Superhero class... well, I'll cut to the chase here...
Bok Choy is trying to teach that teamwork is much better than a person doing something on their own. But LarryBoy & Dark Crow are too busy trying to outwit each other with dumbass humor.
-This classroom scene reminds me of Tom & Jerry, but w/o the violence that's, for no apparent reason, supposed to be funny.
-So most of the audience at home or somewhere can go restock on snacks or talk to each other while this is going on because,... well, let's just say that the next couple of minutes is gonna be nothing but this. (We might as well have a semi-intermission: you know, Bok Choy can share his lesson, & then cut to intermission. Simple as that!)
Museum scene:
-By the way, this movie also skipped the part from the book where Larry is working; he comes across Vicki the photographer who's flirting at a picture of Dark Crow; and then he gets a call from Archie from his mop phone... whatever, saying that the museum is going to be ransacked. But hey, this movie doesn't care! They only want ratings...
The next day, the insane member of the "clichéd bad guy society" & the "most well-kept" bad guy show up at a museum to steal artifacts.
-Before we move forward, I just want to say that Greta von Gruesome, although she is shown to be super greedy...
...she's like the only decent bad guy in this series. Unlike the psychopathic style of Awful Alvin...

...she's just dead-serious about her role as a villain.
Anyways, Vicki, cub reporter Junior Asparagus, & the gruff newspaper editor stereotype Bob the Tomato get caught in the crosshairs as Awful Alvin... with yet ANOTHER creepy look in his eyes... ties up the three.
-How much crazier does this bad guy get?!
Somehow, Dark Crow pops out of one of the mummy exhibits, & he & Greta duke it out for a while.
The fight then comes to a halt when LarryBoy somehow manages to defy the laws of physics to get into the museum in his LarryMobile. This somehow gives Greta the upper-hand, & she beats Dark Crow.
-Now let's say next, Vicki, Bob, & Junior coincidentally get untied...
-...and Vicki coincidentally falls into LarryBoy's arms (which, by the way, he doesn't have arms)
Now is the perfect time to ask about Founder's Day? You be the judge!
-LarryBoy hesitates & then asks a totally different question to Vicki. (Sheesh! LarryBoy doesn't know how to talk to girls. In the book, he gets to spend more time with Vicki... but here, no matter what scene they have together, it's like "hurry up, get together,& then leave." What kind of love relationship is that?!)
-Dark Crow interrupts LarryBoy, & Larry gets upset. That's when the 2 start their bickering again. (By now, they should've set their differences aside & focus on bringing down the bad guys!)
The bad guys gain the upper-hand by zapping the heroes super suits into heaps of all-you-can-eat eggs.
And, to make matters worse (in one of the most cliché ways possible in villain history), the bad guys kidnap Vicki.
Museum Incident Aftermath:
After the villains escape with their hostage, LarryBoy and Dark Crow dress themselves in kid pajamas, which are supposed to be superhero costumes (?), and they return to the laboratory where the bad guys had stolen from earlier.
-Sure, even lab scientists can recognize these superheroes in their alternatives to super wear. Just how lenient are these people?!
Superhero: I'm here to learn about the intentions of a villain that's out to kill people.
Scientist: But, sir. You look a little... How should I put it?
Superhero: Oh, my outfit. You see, my super suit got damaged not too long ago, and all I had was some kid's pajamas. It's a long story how my suit got ruined...
Scientist: But still, you look really suspicious. I don't think you look like [Superhero name] at all.
Superhero: Uh... I'll give you candy.
Scientist: Okay, we'll let you into our facility, [Superhero name]. Sorry for the delay.
-Besides, what's with all the aftermaths? What, are these the most unlucky heroes in history? Okay, not LarryBoy- but Dark Crow. He's like the bad seed of this movie. Why did we have to put Dark Crow in this movie? Maybe the creators just wanted to add him to get more ratings.
So, the scientists show the heroes their Bunny Bot, which serves as a defense against the device that the bad guys have.
-Okay. This is what you're telling us about scientists everywhere: that they are girly.
YOU are making our scientists, and other scientists in the world, look like half-assed people!
The heroes, however, fight over who gets to drive the damn thing, resulting in an embarrassing exit.
Town scene:
We see Awful Alvin and Greta von Gruesome attack Bumblyburg with their egg machine. Finally, the villains see our heroes try to stop them with their Bunny Bot.
Do the heroes bring justice? No. They take this time to argue with each other some more, which gives the villains an obvious advantage. The villains zap the Daily Bumble Sign above the Bunny Bot, sending the whole thing down on our heroes.
-So much bickering! You know, I thought this movie was going to be great, because LarryBoy is partnering up with another superhero, but now... it just blows! It's like Batman being bitter towards Spiderman, or the Green Lantern arguing with Daredevil... It just blows!
Villains' Lair Scene:
We then cut to the obvious set of Awful Alvin's lair (which you may or may not be remember from Angry Eyebrows), where our two heroes and that chick from the Daily Bumble are tied up and hanging above a skillet.
The villains plan on frying the threesome into an omelet. All the villains have to do is press a button to send the trio into a... frying pan alternative to an inferno.
But, as you as imagine, the villains argue with each other on who gets to push the button.
-Guys, why not take both of your hands together and press the button together?
The heroes see the villains argue, and then they remember their teacher's lesson...
-Okay, wait. How is it that a person can remember a lesson from school when they've spent the whole time jacking off in class? It's like sleeping away in church, and then magically remembering what the preacher was talking about...
-I'm sorry, but this is like a running gag in this cartoon series! They're improbable and silly.
The heroes decide to swing back & forth to knock down the egg ray or whatever's trapping them.
-What I don't get is that while they're swinging back and forth, the heroes are both smiling as if life is good. How can you be smiling when you're so close to having a brush with death?
Eventually, the two heroes, along with Vicki, escape, and they have an epic battle with Awful Alvin and Greta.
-Uh, feel free to run for safety, Vicki...
Eventually, the two villains are defeated with LarryBoy and Dark Crow working together.
-But I gotta say that the villains get defeated by the lamest things.
1. Awful Alvin gets tangled up by cords from Dark Crow's attack.
2. LarryBoy literally closes the door on Greta with his made-shift plunger ear.
Yeah, pretty weak!
Laboratory scene 3:
Our heroes return the egg machine to the scientists...
-About friggin' time LarryBoy and Dark Crow are in their respective super suits...
LarryBoy finally asks Vicki out to the Founder's Day celebration. Then the story ends with Dark Crow wanting to be LarryBoy's wingman on the outing.
-And that's just it. The story just ends.
It's like the movie saying, That was it, kids. But hey, we still have our short film for you, which... you may or may not like... At least, we distracted you from your daily playing and stuff... You can stay for our short film, otherwise... just press the STOP button on your VCR.
Short film:
(I don't think so...)
I'm sorry, but this movie was so weird, that... I can't even bring myself to review the short film that it shows!
Well, that was the final episode of the LarryBoy Cartoon Adventures.
LarryBoy in the Good, the Bad, and the Eggly. You know, the next LarryBoy movie, The Bad Apple, will have more dignity than these silly cartoon episodes! The plot made little to no sense; the episode didn't seem like a legit LarryBoy story; and the characters are either morons or just psychotic!
Just pray to God that The Bad Apple is going to be the comeback of LarryBoy, because with the cartoon series, he's been shamefully misused. He's been through hell, now that we reviewed all 4 LarryBoy Cartoon Adventures episodes.
Amateur Critic
Source: LarryBoy in the Good, the Bad, and the Eggly
All rights go to Big Idea Entertainment
Friday, October 25, 2013
Top 10 Most-Viewed Posts As of 10/25/13
Hi, I'm the Amateur Critic. I review just about anything.
I'd thought I do something special for you all, now that it's been at least three months since the launch of my blog. (I finally kept up with a blog. Yay!) I've recently viewed the number of page views that my blog has received. And now, the results are in! Thanks to all my readers and subscribers, we can now celebrate the Top 10 Most-Viewed Posts as of October 25, 2013.
So let's begin!
10. Lamb Chop's Play Along: The Wallet
This episode of Lamb Chop was fun to do. I liked the humor, the cuteness, and especially the lesson on giving things back to the people that lost something. You know, not everyone returns wallets whenever they find out nowadays. Having money is tempting, believe me.
Anyway, it touched on an important issue, involving wallets. I liked this episode so much that I'll continue to watch it on Youtube.
9. Lamb Chop's Play Along: Lamb Chop Practices For A Talent Show
This episode, in my opinion, was kind of bland. In fact, I remember being real on this review; I told it like it was.
I felt like the story was too short, and it ended too fast. I don't know. I just scored it low. In fact, I'm not sure why this review didn't score lower than The Wallet episode.
Well, the episode wasn't so bad, but maybe if it was spiced up some, then it wouldn't be so bland.
8. LarryBoy and the Angry Eyebrows
Okay, I'm not sure why a LarryBoy episode scored this low on the countdown.
Anyway, this episode introduced the cartoon adventures of LarryBoy. I would give the movie credit for trying to continue the adventures of my favorite superhero of all time. However, after watching this as an adult, I felt like Big Idea left their brains at the Rumor Weed convention. Angry Eyebrows was okay, but didn't quite meet Rumor Weed standards. In fact, Big Idea released three more cartoon episodes after that, but they still didn't reach as much popularity as Rumor Weed.
Nonetheless, I'll still continue to watch this movie, no matter how clunky or how sloppy the animation can get.
7. Lamb Chop's Play Along: When You Grow Up
Out of all the Lamb Chop episodes that I had reviewed so far, this one was the most bland. Well, I praised the episode for the scene with Hush Puppy, but that was the only good scene.
Sure, the episode may have touched on the idea of what kids wanted to be when they grew up, but the storyline was a little boring. Well, the third act was when it got the most boring: the conversation in the third act wasn't all that interesting.
Despite my grading it low, I'm still surprised that this review got the most views than The Wallet
episode and LarryBoy and the Angry Eyebrows.
6. Introductory Post
Wow. My introductory post is in this countdown?
Thanks, guys!
5. The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Blowhole (Penguins of Madagascar)
It's the second half of the countdown; and already, the second appearance of Dr. Blowhole is scored #5 on the list.
I really enjoyed doing this review. In fact, I remember getting down and serious with this TV movie, despite my personal preference for it.
I think this was my second movie that I did a review on. That's a milestone right there. : )
Anyway, I remember saying that this movie was okay, even though it was very clichéd and corny, and some of the characters weren't all that good at solving their problems (in other words, they were none-the-wiser). But hey, I still love watching this movie.
4. Lamb Chop's Play Along: Lucky Dog
Personally, I loved this episode of Lamb Chop, because of Hush Puppy. Yes, Hush Puppy was adorable the entire show. He had a goal, but wasn't able to reach; but that little setback didn't darken the rest of the day- he picked himself back up, dusted himself off, and went on with his life.
I really enjoyed doing a review on this episode of Lamb Chop's Play Along.
3. Editorial: The Parts of 3-2-1 Penguins That Make Me Tick
This is the only editorial that made it in the countdown.
In this editorial, I criticized the show's lack of creativity and lack of originality. The show didn't meet Veggietales standards- in other words, I just didn't favor the show as much as Veggietales.
So, go figure...
2. LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space
Besides Angry Eyebrows, this LarryBoy episode made it on the countdown.
This review was fun to do. I felt like I did a really good job on this review. I pointed out the pros and cons of the movie; I kept an open-mind on the review... in fact, this review was even followed by an editorial on What Makes The Fib from Outer Space Forgettable? Too bad the editorial for Fib from Outer Space didn't make the countdown, but hey, we just have to make do for now.
Anyway, I enjoyed reviewing this movie, and I can't wait to review another LarryBoy adventure.
1. Lamb Chop's Play Along: The Guys
I couldn't believe a LarryBoy review lost to Lamb Chop. But I got the jest on why this review took the #1 spot on the countdown.
I praised this episode for touching on important issues like having friends that cared about you. Charlie Horse really learned that lesson the hard way, because he was trying so hard to impress "the guys" so that he can have people to call "friends." This makes us think: It's not easy fitting in nowadays, especially when people want you to be like everyone else.
Thank God Shari Lewis points out to Charlie Horse that real friends don't need you to impress them, but that they need to care about you. That's very true.
Well, this episode got the most page views on this blog; and I was more than happy to review that episode of Lamb Chop's Play Along.
Well, that was our countdown. I hope to have another countdown soon!
Amateur Critic
Lamb Chop's Play Along
Penguins of Madagascar
3-2-1 Penguins
All rights go to:
Shari Lewis
Big Idea Entertainment
DreamWorks Animation
I'd thought I do something special for you all, now that it's been at least three months since the launch of my blog. (I finally kept up with a blog. Yay!) I've recently viewed the number of page views that my blog has received. And now, the results are in! Thanks to all my readers and subscribers, we can now celebrate the Top 10 Most-Viewed Posts as of October 25, 2013.
So let's begin!
10. Lamb Chop's Play Along: The Wallet
This episode of Lamb Chop was fun to do. I liked the humor, the cuteness, and especially the lesson on giving things back to the people that lost something. You know, not everyone returns wallets whenever they find out nowadays. Having money is tempting, believe me.
Anyway, it touched on an important issue, involving wallets. I liked this episode so much that I'll continue to watch it on Youtube.
9. Lamb Chop's Play Along: Lamb Chop Practices For A Talent Show
This episode, in my opinion, was kind of bland. In fact, I remember being real on this review; I told it like it was.
I felt like the story was too short, and it ended too fast. I don't know. I just scored it low. In fact, I'm not sure why this review didn't score lower than The Wallet episode.
Well, the episode wasn't so bad, but maybe if it was spiced up some, then it wouldn't be so bland.
8. LarryBoy and the Angry Eyebrows
Okay, I'm not sure why a LarryBoy episode scored this low on the countdown.
Anyway, this episode introduced the cartoon adventures of LarryBoy. I would give the movie credit for trying to continue the adventures of my favorite superhero of all time. However, after watching this as an adult, I felt like Big Idea left their brains at the Rumor Weed convention. Angry Eyebrows was okay, but didn't quite meet Rumor Weed standards. In fact, Big Idea released three more cartoon episodes after that, but they still didn't reach as much popularity as Rumor Weed.
Nonetheless, I'll still continue to watch this movie, no matter how clunky or how sloppy the animation can get.
7. Lamb Chop's Play Along: When You Grow Up
Out of all the Lamb Chop episodes that I had reviewed so far, this one was the most bland. Well, I praised the episode for the scene with Hush Puppy, but that was the only good scene.
Sure, the episode may have touched on the idea of what kids wanted to be when they grew up, but the storyline was a little boring. Well, the third act was when it got the most boring: the conversation in the third act wasn't all that interesting.
Despite my grading it low, I'm still surprised that this review got the most views than The Wallet
episode and LarryBoy and the Angry Eyebrows.
6. Introductory Post
Wow. My introductory post is in this countdown?
Thanks, guys!
5. The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Blowhole (Penguins of Madagascar)
It's the second half of the countdown; and already, the second appearance of Dr. Blowhole is scored #5 on the list.
I really enjoyed doing this review. In fact, I remember getting down and serious with this TV movie, despite my personal preference for it.
I think this was my second movie that I did a review on. That's a milestone right there. : )
Anyway, I remember saying that this movie was okay, even though it was very clichéd and corny, and some of the characters weren't all that good at solving their problems (in other words, they were none-the-wiser). But hey, I still love watching this movie.
4. Lamb Chop's Play Along: Lucky Dog
Personally, I loved this episode of Lamb Chop, because of Hush Puppy. Yes, Hush Puppy was adorable the entire show. He had a goal, but wasn't able to reach; but that little setback didn't darken the rest of the day- he picked himself back up, dusted himself off, and went on with his life.
I really enjoyed doing a review on this episode of Lamb Chop's Play Along.
3. Editorial: The Parts of 3-2-1 Penguins That Make Me Tick
This is the only editorial that made it in the countdown.
In this editorial, I criticized the show's lack of creativity and lack of originality. The show didn't meet Veggietales standards- in other words, I just didn't favor the show as much as Veggietales.
So, go figure...
2. LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space
Besides Angry Eyebrows, this LarryBoy episode made it on the countdown.
This review was fun to do. I felt like I did a really good job on this review. I pointed out the pros and cons of the movie; I kept an open-mind on the review... in fact, this review was even followed by an editorial on What Makes The Fib from Outer Space Forgettable? Too bad the editorial for Fib from Outer Space didn't make the countdown, but hey, we just have to make do for now.
Anyway, I enjoyed reviewing this movie, and I can't wait to review another LarryBoy adventure.
1. Lamb Chop's Play Along: The Guys
I couldn't believe a LarryBoy review lost to Lamb Chop. But I got the jest on why this review took the #1 spot on the countdown.
I praised this episode for touching on important issues like having friends that cared about you. Charlie Horse really learned that lesson the hard way, because he was trying so hard to impress "the guys" so that he can have people to call "friends." This makes us think: It's not easy fitting in nowadays, especially when people want you to be like everyone else.
Thank God Shari Lewis points out to Charlie Horse that real friends don't need you to impress them, but that they need to care about you. That's very true.
Well, this episode got the most page views on this blog; and I was more than happy to review that episode of Lamb Chop's Play Along.
Well, that was our countdown. I hope to have another countdown soon!
Amateur Critic
Lamb Chop's Play Along
Penguins of Madagascar
3-2-1 Penguins
All rights go to:
Shari Lewis
Big Idea Entertainment
DreamWorks Animation
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